Official SS CW Anakin 1/6 scale picture thread

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Although I picked up the Exclusive from the waitlist, and I recieved it about a week ago, I have not been very excited to open it. I am not a fan of the animation style of the cartoon and am not really a fan of the figures being styled after that animation.

But the shots of Animakin fighting Asajj Ventress are opening my eyes a little.

I am kind of digging on that setup.
Nice, the only backpacks I have are the Endor troop ones which are too small for stinky.

Should be able to contribute in here again soon. Anakin received a new scar after taking a tumble during my last shoot :(, but thanks to Toy Anxiety parting out the head, I'll have an intact figure again :)
UPS finally delivered this guy to me after all the weather related delays. I really like this figure. I have to contact Sideshow though, it looks like a game of soccer was played with my box before it was shipped! :lol
Sideshow is terrific about that kind of thing...I've had two figures arrive with real beat-up boxes and they replaced both of them. Class act, these guys...

....and my waitlist just changed to an order, so I'll join this image parade soon! :chew
Just we have to gripe about something....Anyone else wish this Anakin had come with the poncho/hoodie he and Ashoka wore in one of the episodes?
Just we have to gripe about something....Anyone else wish this Anakin had come with the poncho/hoodie he and Ashoka wore in one of the episodes?

That raises something about the new Clone Wars series that bothers me, for some reason they seemed to turn all Jedi and Sith Robes into hooded cloaks and even added a hood to Dooku's cape for some reason, I don't get why they did it, but in some cases it looks odd, I think Dooku's cape having a hood look strange, but Darth Sidious is the weirdest looking in the new series, it doesn't look right at all.
Thanks Josh! Should have him in about a week or so...

Anybody else have some fresh pics in the meantime? :)
i don't have any fresh pics but here's a couple reruns for ya.


Wow Maulfan fantastic shots! Is that saber photoshoped? If it is great work. I wonder how a cathode one would look through your lens.
Maulfan those pictures are awesome! and so are yours Craw, because of your pics im actually thinking of getting one. (because of both of your pics:maul:emperor:chew
I decided to have a little fun with my extra Anakin parts from ToyAnxiety. I have to adapt the gauntlet glove to fit the slimmer body, but you get the idea. Now to paint up the armor in the 501st colors.

I'm beginning to think it's going to be hard to pick up just the gauntlet/glove for a custom now that Toy Anxiety is sold out. Anyone know of another place that might part out Anakin?

BTW: Looking forward to seeing the 501st Anakin!
Really like this first one... such a great looking figure. Just hoping Sideshow can keep the bar this high for future releases.

SS has been on a pretty good roll over the last several months , we've had the Utapau , Shock Trooper and Phase 1 Clones , Henry Sr, KOTCS
Indy, Anakin , The Sandtrooper Sarge and Squad leader and Lando . All have been very solid releases.

The 501st and 41st Elite Clones and Sand Trooper Corp. we know will be very good as well.