Official SSC SDCC 2014 Thread: Link to Events Page in First Post

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Thank god I don't collect HT, DC, COTD or SW.

My collection is all over the board! I used to pre-order everything that looked good right I've learned to stop doing that. I think I lost two NRDs, and that's enough to make you pull back on jumping the gun! But there's just non-stop awesome on the horizon for HT and Sideshow, so it's all about knowing exactly what you want! Good on you for that ability :)

I'm honestly not sure which direction my collection will focus more...some PFs lately have looked amazing, but prices may make me lean more towards HT for those select pieces (especially those based off movie characters.) I think I'm going to be focusing a lot more on Alien/Aliens if they're going that route with HTs! And, of course, the hopeful continuation of the Alien/Predator LSBs :)

Too much good stuff!! :gah: :panic:
My collection is all over the board! I used to pre-order everything that looked good right I've learned to stop doing that. I think I lost two NRDs, and that's enough to make you pull back on jumping the gun! But there's just non-stop awesome on the horizon for HT and Sideshow, so it's all about knowing exactly what you want! Good on you for that ability :)

I'm honestly not sure which direction my collection will focus more...some PFs lately have looked amazing, but prices may make me lean more towards HT for those select pieces (especially those based off movie characters.) I think I'm going to be focusing a lot more on Alien/Aliens if they're going that route with HTs! And, of course, the hopeful continuation of the Alien/Predator LSBs :)

Too much good stuff!! :gah: :panic:
:lol I actually ordered Green Ivy but cancelled because it was a dangerous road to go down.
My main focus is Predator, Marvel, Alien but there's room for the odd beauty like Red Sonja. All polystone.
Okay let's try that again. From PCS' booth though I believe he was there last year.
Those Hulks look great. If I had a major disposable income, Gladiator Hulk would be a no brainer. I love most of these early images though...they've all got that elusive Bigfoot blur to them. :lol
I know, it's so bad. I mean, it's GOOD, but bad. There's actually so much mind-blowing stuff coming that it's time to start getting REALLY picky with what gets pre-ordered! :)

Right now my potential list are Back to the Future and Ripley and the Power Loader. It looks like this is going to be a crazy show though!

I hear ya, brother! I love all the new stuff being shown so far but my wallet doesn't! :lol

I'm game...

I can drive...Fast! :rock

The crew is assembled...Federal Reserve here we come! :yess: :lol