Here we go...
Since the chat was broken, I want to reward everyone who hung around waiting.
The prize this month is...
Clone Trooper - Militaries of Star Wars - Episode II - Phase 1 -12 inch Figure
The prize this month was provided by the awesome SIDESHOW COLLECTIBLES!!!
All you will need to do to win this figure is make a post in either of the 2 chat threads between now and 7pm PST tonight according to the board clock. I will write down everyone's name who has posted in either thread with a posting time between now and 7pm PST tonight. You only need to post once and everyone only gets one chance. I will write down your name and choose one out of a hat tomorrow evening. I will contact that person via PM once I do the pull.
The rules!!
Winner will be contacted through Private Message by myself on the Sideshow Freaks board. Winner will need to pay shipping and any VAT/Duties and whatever taxes they might be charged to receive it into their country. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of the prize from Sideshow Collectibles. If you do not agree to these terms then PLEASE DO NOT POST or say I DO NOT WANT TO BE ELIGIBLE.
Thank you Sideshow!!