Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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Just got a message from a UK buddy that confirms it is real. He says his friend is a CGI guy on the movie, who said that was it. And that it was like "The MUMMY" from the newer Mummy movies, all bones and sinew and burns showing. BAD stuff! SO, I am assuming, based on my friend's comments, that you'd best get used to that image as Two-Face! Looks legit! CGI, but legit!

Les, any word on how it'll be justified that such a perfect split of his face occurrs?

That's my only real issue with this look, the damage is great, but the saparation of the halves doesn't seem realistic. I know most of his good side should be untouched, but you could have more remnants of it spilling over into the damage similar to like when the T2 Endo is exposed on arnold, it's basically a split face but it's imperfect how the split occurrs.

Granted it's a comic book movie too, but wounds that extreme I would think would kill him, when your body gets burnt really bad it builds up fluoride or something in your body like poison and that's usually what kills people with burns.
That's not the final.....Eckhart said both CGI and Make Up would be used and the render is all CGI. I wonder where the happy medium is from that pic and what we'll get though
That's not the final.....Eckhart said both CGI and Make Up would be used and the render is all CGI. I wonder where the happy medium is from that pic and what we'll get though

True, depending on how prosthetics are used, there's no way to make that look, so either the prosthetics are for when you don't see the whole side and just like shadows or hints, or that's not final style.
At they say that the above image was an early test/concept, but that the final film version is very close to that. That image looks way too '2D' to be a still from the final film version, I'm not convinced. But I do like the concept! I'm sure the prosthetics/CG combo will be very similar to how they treated Arnold in T3.

An excerpt from B.O.F.:

In the case of this particular design.......It's not really what you'll see in the movie, but the general idea is still very much intact.
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All of this imagery of falling, jumping off skyscrapers, it just leads me to believe that. It would be a shocker, they've never killed off a love interest in a comic film before. And think about it. If the Joker DID throw her off a building, would Batman as he is in Begins be able to catch her? He can glide, but I doubt he could reach terminal velocity in time to catch her. Just a theory though...

I have a feeling you're right, and that she'll die at the halfway point. It would explain why Batman pummels Joker in the interrogation room.

And it's interesting how you mention he couldn't reach terminal velocity in time...

When asked about the new suit, the filmmakers have said it all has to do with Batman "needing to be faster than he was before"...

Just some more fuel on the fire.
That is interesting, DA. But, being thrown off a building is a pretty gruesome death, if you ask me. Hitting the ground isn't too pretty.
I have a feeling you're right, and that she'll die at the halfway point. It would explain why Batman pummels Joker in the interrogation room.

And it's interesting how you mention he couldn't reach terminal velocity in time...

When asked about the new suit, the filmmakers have said it all has to do with Batman "needing to be faster than he was before"...

Just some more fuel on the fire.

That's my hope for hte film, and from the last trailer, sounds true. I hoped the new suit wouldn't just be for the sake of a new suit but that the extreme nature of the situation would necessitate it. I can't wait for this movie :rock
That is interesting, DA. But, being thrown off a building is a pretty gruesome death, if you ask me. Hitting the ground isn't too pretty.

Considering Maggie Gyllenhal's face are we sure she hasn't been thrown off a building already? :monkey3

In all seriousness, I'd rather have her in the movie than Katie Holmes who is just terrible. She was the Kirsten Dunst of BATMAN BEGINS.

But Rachel does need to be killed off. And no more love interests, for crissakes. Unless Batman is bumping unglies with Catwoman in a sequel.

That's my hope for hte film, and from the last trailer, sounds true. I hoped the new suit wouldn't just be for the sake of a new suit but that the extreme nature of the situation would necessitate it.

That's all well and good, but they could have designed about 1,000 other suits that would looked better.

I hate that monstrosity so much I can't even bring myself to buy the MM figure. :monkey1
What I love is the foreshadowing of Rachel's dialogue. If indeed she dies in this movie, her line "Bruce, don't make me your only hope for a normal life" would give her death an even greater impact. It wouldn't just be someone he cares about dying tragically, but it would also be a turning point for Bruce that sort of locks him into being Batman, there's no going back and there's no hope looking forward, he is Batman and that is the life he'll lead.
Well, something DEFINITELY affects him. I mean just look at the scene where he is staring at the cowl. Something devastating has happened.

Off topic, but I can't stop watching the scene where he jumps off the building. So badass.
I always thought Rachel would bite the dust in this one. The question I have is whether Joker gut tells me yes.

That was one of the reasons I liked Batman Begins; the villian didn't die. In most superhero movies, the villain dies at the end of the movie (Spider-man 1 &2, Superman 2,3,4, etc..) I hope the joker doesn't die, but honestly, how would he be in a sequel?
Joker 'apparently' dies, or gets locked up in Arkham, gets in an accident,

comes back later in a sequel. has a plastic surgeon to return him to original look, only plastic surgeon can't pull it off

Johnny Depp as the Joker. heh. savvy.

I'm guessing...

Rachel does not die in this one. she either gets put into a comatose state, or doesn't die, period... bring her in for the next installment w/ a harvey dent/two-face storyline that batman will use to help bring two-face back to 'normal'.
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Joker 'apparently' dies, or gets locked up in Arkham, gets in an accident,

comes back later in a sequel. has a plastic surgeon to return him to original look, only plastic surgeon can't pull it off

Johnny Depp as the Joker. heh. savvy.

I'm guessing...

Rachel does not die in this one. she either gets put into a comatose state, or doesn't die, period... bring her in for the next installment w/ a harvey dent/two-face storyline that batman will use to help bring two-face back to 'normal'.

I hope they don't use the Joker again until the next reboot. The whole thing with Heath is so similar to Brandon Lee. People can't help but associate that Heath IS the Joker, and they won't like seeing someone else play him any more than the 3 or 4 new Crows that came after Brandon Lee.
I hope they don't use the Joker again until the next reboot. The whole thing with Heath is so similar to Brandon Lee. People can't help but associate that Heath IS the Joker, and they won't like seeing someone else play him any more than the 3 or 4 new Crows that came after Brandon Lee.

I'm sure Nolan will not recast the Joker. The best we might get is some dialogue or a laugh from the Joker off screen or a stand-in's back to the camera.

Forget Tommy Lee Jones's one-note butchering of the character in Batman Forever, Christopher Nolan is experimenting with a fascinatingly schizophrenic depiction of Two-Face that will blend sane and insane line readings from Eckhart. Basically, Nolan shot complementary takes of Eckhart in Two-Face makeup so he could visually represent the duality of Dent in a less cartoony fashion. What Nolan's doing doesn't sound all that far removed from the Gollum/Smeagol model, though the obvious difference here is that Dent isn't motion-capture; he's a fifty-fifty split of the same actor giving two wildly divergent performances in the same shot. And because he has two takes of each scene, Nolan has the luxury of shaping Eckhart's performance in post; it's just a matter of switching the dial between normal Harvey and bug-^^^^ Two-Face. Again, both will be present in the shot, but only one will dominate the poor bastard's conflicted consciousness at any given moment. The technical audacity required in pulling this off may be the reason Two-Face was held back in the trailer.
I don't think Joker will die. I have heard that they were planning on him having a cameo appearance in the next film, presumably in Arkham. He finished this film, so no need to kill him off. For the next film they can just pull a "Killing Joke" and have him partly obscured by shadow when Batman comes to talk to him. I mean, they did it many years ago in The Crow, I'm sure they can pull it off now. Besides, it would just piss off the fans... myself included if he died again.

Not saying I want more Joker films in the future, it's just part of the Batman lore. The Joker is the dark half of Batman. They are linked forever and destined to eventually duel to the death, triggering the end for the victor. It's just the way it is.

I still think that Rachel dies. Les and I talked about it in great length, and now after reading that excerpt from Eckhardt... it pretty much seals it for me. Every thing about the trailer, posters and now the revamped site lead me to believe as such.
Well if there's one role in the entire franchise that lends itself to re-casting, it would be the Joker simply due to the nature of his appearance. Nolan could probably find half a dozen very talented actors who could fill the role *fairly* seamlessly after slapping all that face paint on their mugs. Of course, the real trick will be finding someone who can emulate Ledger's nuanced performance. Although I have to admit I don't think that's totally necessary. With a character THAT insane, a little inconsistent behavior might seem natural (especially if it's another 5-7+ years before the character is revisited in the films, and the Joker has been further warped/shaped by spending the past few years in Arkham). Fortunately there are plenty of other cool Batman villains to focus on in the meantime, I'm not worried.
I don't think Joker will die. I have heard that they were planning on him having a cameo appearance in the next film, presumably in Arkham. He finished this film, so no need to kill him off. For the next film they can just pull a "Killing Joke" and have him partly obscured by shadow when Batman comes to talk to him. I mean, they did it many years ago in The Crow, I'm sure they can pull it off now. Besides, it would just piss off the fans... myself included if he died again.

Not saying I want more Joker films in the future, it's just part of the Batman lore. The Joker is the dark half of Batman. They are linked forever and destined to eventually duel to the death, triggering the end for the victor. It's just the way it is.

I still think that Rachel dies. Les and I talked about it in great length, and now after reading that excerpt from Eckhardt... it pretty much seals it for me. Every thing about the trailer, posters and now the revamped site lead me to believe as such.

I think going a bit further with the Killing Joke idea would be great. Have Johnny Depp play the Joker, but have Batman find out, he isn't the REAL Joker - that Joker has already escaped! Solves both the recasting and cameo problems. :D

Joker 'apparently' dies, or gets locked up in Arkham, gets in an accident,

comes back later in a sequel. has a plastic surgeon to return him to original look, only plastic surgeon can't pull it off

Johnny Depp as the Joker. heh. savvy.

I'm guessing...

Rachel does not die in this one. she either gets put into a comatose state, or doesn't die, period... bring her in for the next installment w/ a harvey dent/two-face storyline that batman will use to help bring two-face back to 'normal'.

I think Depp would be a great Joker. He as actually my first choice, but Heath has since won me over. Plus they look similar enough (the prominant cheek bones) I think it would work. Plus if anybody could pull off a performance similar to Heath, it would be Johnny.

That is interesting, DA. But, being thrown off a building is a pretty gruesome death, if you ask me. Hitting the ground isn't too pretty.

So I take it Jack's Joker's death wasn't your favorite? :lol You gotta admit the irony though if that is how Rachel dies!
I think going a bit further with the Killing Joke idea would be great. Have Johnny Depp play the Joker, but have Batman find out, he isn't the REAL Joker - that Joker has already escaped! Solves both the recasting and cameo problems. :D

I think Depp would be a great Joker. He as actually my first choice, but Heath has since won me over. Plus they look similar enough (the prominant cheek bones) I think it would work. Plus if anybody could pull off a performance similar to Heath, it would be Johnny.

So I take it Jack's Joker's death wasn't your favorite? :lol You gotta admit the irony though if that is how Rachel dies!

The first bit, about the escape... I almost thought about that too! :lol

And Depp, I think could portray the character well. Especially if it were just a small part, concealed a bit in shadow and handled well.

And I think it would be a hilarious way to give the 89 film a bit of an homage. Joker gets his revenge, so to speak. :joy