Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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Could be, but it might be the other way around too. The blue in TDK was a continuation of the blue in Begins. Maybe the orange symbolized the chaos in the city, where the blue in the final scene sybolized the beginning restoration of order with Batman.

Good find though, it's always interesting to see these tiny little details. I would never notice that. I never even noticed the windows were orange and blue. :lol
MF, did you catch any nods or hints in TDK towards a general color theme for a 3rd Batman movie? I want it to be pink...or fuschia. :p
Unfortunately, I haven't seen TDK since noticing that in Begins, so I'll have to wait until DVD to keep a sharp eye.

I'd be surprised if they went there again, but the end was fairly orange, especially the street lights as the pod rides up the ramp for the final shot.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen TDK since noticing that in Begins, so I'll have to wait until DVD to keep a sharp eye.

I'd be surprised if they went there again, but the end was fairly orange, especially the street lights as the pod rides up the ramp for the final shot.

Wow, good eye on those colors at the end, Sean. Here's the ending again for your viewing pleasure (surprised WB hasn't pulled it):

And the semi flip, just cause it's awesome!

And one of the best scenes. I'm a dog chasing cars :)
Ya, the end is pretty much orange/brown tones, so if there's any sort of indication as to a part 3 color, I doubt it's from the end. It could just be a big coincidence that the end of Begins had those colors, but considering both the background looking at Gordon and the one looking at Batman were the TDK color scheme, it got my gears spinning, it's also very distinct in a film where most of what you saw had orange tones to it.
Well, time will tell with the economy and all, but barring any problems, I'm saving towards an HD TV and BR player, got my eyes on a combo that'll be about $800 and I'm making Batman Begins and The Dark Knight my first Blu-Ray viewing expeirence.
Well, time will tell with the economy and all, but barring any problems, I'm saving towards an HD TV and BR player, got my eyes on a combo that'll be about $800 and I'm making Batman Begins and The Dark Knight my first Blu-Ray viewing expeirence.

Can't wait for you to join those of us in Blu-ray land, Sean! :banana:rock
, i'd had too many preorders going and life expenses so i had to hold off. For the best though, the setup i'm looking at is now $200 less than before. Fortunately i've never seen anything on BR or i'd probably go nuts, i'm an image snob :lol, i'm all about high res and top image quality.
What kind of HDTV are you looking at, MaulFan? And by combo you mean getting a HDTV and Blu-Ray player for $800? I'd like to know where you can attain such things! ;)

I'll be picking up the two-disc DVD. Can't wait. The History Channel documentaries sounds great. I hope there's a Limited Edition DVD version with the Bat-Pod.
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I have the 40" Sony Bravia 1080p and the PS3 in my bedroom for my Blu-ray set up. I had a couple of guests over the other day and showed them the IMAX TDK intro from the Batman Begins SE Blu-ray and they were absolutely blown away. In fact, it's even more clear that the theatrical film as I don't ever recall being able to see details like Ledger's pores at the theater. It's actually almost TOO clear and detailed it's scary.

There's a 65" Hitachi Ultravision HD set in my living room, but it's only 720p. :(