Is just sad really that no one is safe

and this is happening in different areas in the country. The worst part about being beaten up is, we worked out who it was, my brother happened to know where the guy lived. We'd contacted the police and told them this and they didn't do anything because I wasn't badly hurt enough!
Was a story in today's paper that a Judge let a criminal go because a testimony from a witness for the prosecution was too convincing?!
Witness to Believable
Like I said I don't want to start a flame war (because no one's opinion gets changed, everyone gets pissed off and the thread gets locked down) I never said my country was perfect is far from it and when I've been in America I've never felt remotely threatened (addmitedly I'm in Florida's tourist area) and the people have been friendly and nice. The gun thing is alien to us over here so to see it in a supermarket is a very surreal experience and is just as horrible to read about things like Columbine and Virginia Tech as when we had the Dunblaine massacre in Scotland.
Our countries took very different approaches, we clamped down dramatically on gun ownership and the need to get a gun and now shooting incidents are very few and far between. So we've come to see it as a factor and the response to it has been largely successful.