OK Somebody give me a good reason not to buy PF Vader

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
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Atlantic Ocean
Like the post says. Why should I not get the PF Vader.

I am looking to get this but I am not 100% sure. I know all the reasons why to get it. Does anyone here know why I should not.
For me the reason would be because it's too pricey, but if you've got the scratch I cant see any other reason not to get one.
I passed because the pose doesn't look right without Kenobi, it's not the version I liked the best, and I thought the sculpt looked a bit soft. I'm not too keen on this particular PF, although I'd love to get Kenobi.
Because you need that money to pay for your Jabba set.

Or medication.

It's all about priorities.

In all seriousness, if you aren't sure, even after seeing it in person, than you don't need it.
If you buy Vader you will like it sooooooo much that you'll have to buy all the Star Wars PF's and it gets expensive. It like a drug, do you care to try?
....because The Fett man is just around the corner :cool: ...and IMO, if you are going to buy a Vader it is almost a must to get Obi as well. Although each piece is great by itself, they will look better facing each other.
If you must have a PF Vader, I say hold out for the next one. I'm almost positive we'll see a PF ROTJ with alternate heads, just like Spike.
Thanks everyone.

A few things

1. You bet your ass I am getting the JAWS

2. I was wondering about a second PF style. I assume there is no guarantee on that one.

3. I have never seen it in person. Anyone want to send me theirs so I can:lol .

4. I was worried about the pose. I don't see myself getting Obi.
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JAWS said:
Thanks everyone.

A few things

1. You bet your ass I am getting the JAWS

2. I was wondering about a second PF style. I assume there is no guarantee on that one.

3. I have never seen it in person. Anyone want to send me theirs so I can:lol .

4. I was worried about the pose. I don't see myself getting Obi.

I haven't got Vader, but to me it would seem that if you were to get the Vader PF that you would pretty much HAVE to get the Obi PF, so I would actually recommend getting the Boba Fett PF since it can stand on it's own.
I don't have my Vader and Obi displayed together and I think they look just fine. And like Nasedo warned...betcha can't buy just one.

A couple things I don't like about Vader, the lightsaber doesn't light up all that well, so I mostly leave mine off, which may or may not be a downside. The lights on his chest box and the little box on the side don't light up on mine anymore, no clue why, and when they did light up they looked much more white than red and green, so I actually prefer that they don't light up.

But its a great piece and if you want it and can afford it, I say go for it.
Customikey said:
I passed because the pose doesn't look right without Kenobi, it's not the version I liked the best, and I thought the sculpt looked a bit soft. I'm not too keen on this particular PF, although I'd love to get Kenobi.

I have to agree with Mike here. I owned the PF Vader with every intention of getting the Obi-Wan. However, as time went on, I just couldn't see myself getting Obi-Wan... I knew I couldn't afford all of them, and I would prefer a young Obi in AOTC or ROTS garb instead. Well, it also had something to do that I spent the last few months raising my 1/6 Sideshow numbers from 12 figs to 36... bought most loose, under the original cost, but the money began disappearing. I still intended to keep Vader.

HOWEVER, the more I looked at him, the more he looked akward without that Obi to go with him. His costume is amazing. However, his pose only really looks good from one set angle. For the money, I wanted more. So, in the end, I sold mine for 300 on Rebelscum and put that money towards my growing credit card bill :monkey5

So, I can tell you the good points versus the bad:

Amazing costume
Truly is an impressive piece to show friends

Akward pose without Kenobi
Lighting system doesn't work well with saber
Less desirable version of Vader - sorry, I might offend purist, but I would rank ANH Vader 3 behind 1.)ROTJ and 2.)ESB. The changes they made were subtle, but really bring out the design better.

So, in the end, I have decided to wait for ESB or ROTJ version. Don't worry. It WILL be made in the next 16 to 18 months. Think about it. It only took them about 12 months to make their 2nd Luke (or 3rd if you consider the SDCC version as a separate entity). They also have 80% of the costume design completed and ready to go from the ANH design process. And the main rule still applies VADER SELLS. Since they seem to be following a chronological movie order, I have a feeling we will get 2 or 3 more from ESB. Then the first one from ROTJ will either be Vader or the Emperor (to be followed by the other one). And I really hope they forgo the "dynamic" saber pose this time. I would kill for a marching pose (similar to the 1st Attakus) or a saber down, hand out using the force (similar to the ROTS Kotobukiya... yet more in line with the way he does it in the OT). Basically a pose that doesn't look akward without a companion piece.

I look at it this way: the prices on these thing prevent me from being a completist. So far, the only one I have pre-ordered is Luke/Yoda with Vader head. I passed on Boba (yes, blasphemy :monkey3 ), because I want a father/son motiff... ESB Luke, ESB/ROTJ Vader. I can be happy with just those 2 done well.