Olivetti Venom Comiquette Thread

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Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette

I was collecting before I joined this forum, I guess it does add to the excitement to share with others but I don't think it would keep me from collecting if the board didn't exist.

It's for you own pure enjoyment not to brag. That is the way I see it.

U like your collection because you plain and simple, like it.

You sound like a cave man when you post sometimes. :monkey1
Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette

It's for you own pure enjoyment not to brag. That is the way I see it.

U like your collection because you plain and simple, like it.

Thought I was in the minority with that view.
If I had an open cheque book I probably would still only have the pieces i've already got......except the Ironman bust I bought coz thats s**t.
Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette




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Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette

I GOT MINE!!! I GOT MINE!!! :banana

It's at home waiting for me. Girlfriend signed for it. Luckily she's off on Tuesdays. Can't wait till 5pm.:emperor
Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette

Check the box if you don't want to lift Venom up to check the base!

Congrats gl!

I find it a bit odd that I got mine before you and Waller.
Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette

Just got a return label for mine, gotta return it since mine has a chipped tooth right in front underneath the eyes.