Is this show ever going to advance forward? Emma is such a dunce to know she is being played by everyone. Queens change from good person to evil in a second was a eye roller.
Really? I thought these last 2 episodes were fantastic.
Loved the Mad Hatter origin story, and loved that he remembered his true self.
As far as the show not moving forward, these last two episodes moved the plot forward more than any before them imo. Emma is finally looking at the book for what it really is thanks to the Hatter. And we finally got the explanation for why the queen hates Snow so much. Been waiting for that for a while.
Yep. I'd hate the kid, too. Even though looking at it from the outside, I realize why she told. Because of her mother dying, etc. She was worried for her new friend losing hers. But man, had I been Regina, I would have wanted to kill her.
Really? You'd hate a kid for not keeping a promise? That happens every day all over the world. She's just a kid.
Kill her? Really?
Back in Storybrook when she said "We've got her Daniel", or whatever she said, I thought to myself: she is dishonoring Daniel's name. Do you think Daniel would still love her if he knew that she wanted to kill an innocent, well-meaning kid to avenge his death? I guess I can see how one could momentarily, amidst wild tears, feel an irrational anger towards the child, but that would quickly dissipate in a non-sociopath. But Regina is holding this against Snow decades later.
If there is one person Regina should hate, it is her mother. I suspect we will see her kill her mother and get her powers that way.
To be clear, I did notice you said "had I been Regina", and I know you wouldn't want to kill a child. I'm speaking out against Regina more than you. Obviously the show wanted us to have just a tiny bit of empathy for Regina, but when it comes right down to it, the moment Regina lied to Snow and said: 'It's okay, I know you were just trying to help', she was awakening her true self. From that moment on she has been the lowest kind of creature that walks this earth - one that has no capacity for empathy, and lives only for power and revenge. She made that choice. She has no one to blame for how she is but herself. I have no use for that kind of person in life or in fiction. That is to say, they function well as a villain - and I like them in that role, but I don't root for them. That's why I like Rumple so much. I don't believe he is as completely evil as Regina. He is more complex/conflicted. I've always been drawn to characters like that.
I also couldn't believe how much the young Snow looked like Ginnifer Goodwin.
Bailee Madison looked so much like a younger version of that actress.
No kidding! The casting there was perfect, and that little girl even had her slightest mannerisms down!
I didn't think it was a very good reason for the immense level of hatred the queen has for Snow. I would like to see some other incidents where Snow does something that inadvertently hurts Regina.

Although, I really do think what we saw in that episode is the crux of why she hates Snow.
Has anyone noticed that there's something in the title screen at the beginning of every episode that has something to do with the episode? I've only noticed it recently, but the episode with Grumpy had Jiminy in the title screen, the Wonderland episode had a mushroom. I missed this weeks.
Yeah, I finally caught that a few weeks back. Very cool.