Super Freak
Both the beans and the tree idea came from the Blue Fairy who told Rumple that once that last bean was gone, there was no way there. Seems like a lie to me.
Let me see...
1) Emma came in the tree and she doesn't remember. This is to be expected because she was an infant in fairy tale land.
2) Pinocchio remembers.
3) The Hatter remembers.
4) Regina and Rumple remember because they made the curse.
Pretty sure only those who crossed outside the curse, or made the curse remember. Forgetting is part of the curse.
Is there anyone other characters that remember that I'm forgetting?
Not that I recall.
Just interesting that they basically are falling into similar lives in each world, and yet no one under the "curse" supposedly remembers.
Maybe the lessons are (1) you can't change your destiny, and (2) you can't change true love.
This is why I usually try not to figure things out, and just enjoy them for what they are...a story.