Super Freak
That's what I had thought, especially since he disappeared.
Both the beans and the tree idea came from the Blue Fairy who told Rumple that once that last bean was gone, there was no way there. Seems like a lie to me.
Let me see...
1) Emma came in the tree and she doesn't remember. This is to be expected because she was an infant in fairy tale land.
2) Pinocchio remembers.
3) The Hatter remembers.
4) Regina and Rumple remember because they made the curse.
Pretty sure only those who crossed outside the curse, or made the curse remember. Forgetting is part of the curse.
Is there anyone other characters that remember that I'm forgetting?
If this series is solely based on a "curse", and the paths these characters take to break that curse, then it won't make it to a 3rd season.
Maybe, and I partially hope so. They've got to add something else to the story line than the curse.
Something else I was thinking about...the Hatter's daughter was next door. He wouldn't leave without her, right? So maybe he didn't jump in the hat?!?!
That fall looked fairly steep, though, and why I thought he did.
Are we forgetting that Emma's son/Regina's father also remembers, or if not, he just believes in the story, but doesn't realize he's Regina's father.
The way I saw it is if a character dies, then they just get thrown back into Storyland, which if that was true, people could just get themselves killed and undo Regina's curse that way. That was how I saw how Hatter could find his way back to Wonderland working for the Queen.
Are we forgetting that Emma's son/Regina's father also remembers, or if not, he just believes in the story, but doesn't realize he's Regina's father.
That's what they said about LOST.
^^^Yeah, what she said.
Is Regina's father in Storybrook? He dies well before the curse right?
As far as Henry (the son) knowing the truth - he may not be subject to the curse in the same way. He was born in our world.
And if there's no magic in this world - how can he be turning back to wood?
If there was magic in "our" world, shouldn't Mr Gold be using his magic everywhere???? Or maybe he wouldn't want to reveal himself.....
As for not aging for 20 years until Emma arrived, that's what I thought at the beginning of the show...especially since nobody remembers not getting do the kids that attend school never advance ???? Do they keep repeating the same grade over and over again ????
I think they said something like "Only one episode left before the season finale". I was confused at first too.