Stone Trolls, Seen them and well, yawn, sure its a bigger statue but just does nothing for me………..
Cave Troll.WOW, just asking too dam much now, but WOW…….
WiKi, very, very nicely detailed and the sculpt is just awesome, flowing robes, the pose, deserves its placement on the top 5………
Aragorn, one I have always wanted as yes he IS the LOTR’s, he is THE central figure of the story. The pose is cool, and it is Sryder, rough, tough, badass, GREAT statue!!!.......
Balrog, well it’s the Balrog, AWESOME sculpt, colors, pose. But yet once more NOT in my books as the asking price is just too much for a statue, besides Rog2004 fills my need for a Rog in my collection.
Orthanc, now that a Barad-Dur is out, SSW or not (DM deserves HUGE props for this one) it is now a must need for most of us collectors as we seem to have to have companions to most of our collections. Besides it is one of the 2 towers…….Now that the lineup is done its ironic that we are all coming back to the beginning…….