I agree with almost everything you said. For me, I would want the reg head permanent. I do not blame people for liking the ex, completely understand it, it's just not my style.
I also gave it a 9.5. The only thing keeping it from perfect is the neck seam, teeth on the reg, face texturing, and slight head/body miss-coloration. These are not big problems at all, but just enough to keep it from perfect. A couple years from now, after all the custom heads have come in to play... I may honestly consider picking a head to have permanently attached via customization. This would essentially eliminate the seam, color issue, and face texture issues if I chose a custom head... (Selling the remaining heads would pay for the customization I'm sure)
All in all. I would not trade this statue for anything in the world. If I absolutely need money, my sell order is:
Antman, hawkeye, black widow, kidney, spleen, and then my body (sexually). Cap and hulk ain't leaving!
Also, lastly... Who here has a face the exact same color as their body? I know I sure don't!