True of the Gremlins. Mr. Green don't like that version of pants. But the Bowen Abomination? That's even more outdated, hehe. Mr. Green once saw and pass on it for like $160 on the bay.
How much a statue sells for in the aftermarket doesn't determine if I like a piece or not. Comic accuracy, sculpt, pose, and paint apps determine whether I like a statue or not. The BD Abomination has all the traits I mentioned and is absolutely my favorite sculpt of the character. There are a few SSC pieces that I have that aren't selling for much more than retail (or in some cases less) that I love. The BD Abomination and Odin are Randy's most underrated sculptures as far as I'm concerned. Both look fantastic.
Regret selling mine but it took up so much space and didn't fit in with my collection.Have you guys seen the Abomination PF in person? If you haven't, you sincerely do not know what you are missing. Pics do not do justice in showing sheer size, mass, and excellent paint job it has. Also I got mine for retail plus shipping.
It does look like the big version of Gremlin.
I've seen the Abomination EX in person and its a very cool, well sculpted and painted piece. A seemingly, thing of the past for SSC.
RobertoBagg10's pics look great.
Abomination Premium Format is awesome!!!![]()
Thanks buddyappreciate that
I know manI'm still beating myself with a stick abt it...
Give me a hug Ink![]()
Reg with rock looks better then Ex with Fire Hydrant IMO![]()
Yea, rocks way better
Not nuts about the shorts either even though it's comic accurate.
Those military ripped pants are a great idea! Why didn't Sideshow think if this I tell ya'!