Errrrr... my luck sucks again. Just opened my hulk and these are the issues: Many is the exact same as the rest of the members. Time to contact SS again. These are not hand painted issues as they will most likely say.
Chip on the neck area where the head connects.
Chip on the base decent size
Scrape marks with missing paint all over the body. But mostly on his rib area.
Teeth looks bad, but I can let this go..sad right? we should all get a 50.00 credit just for this mass produced flaw since it's SS mistake from the their factories that SS chose to use.
The neck gap on the EX head is huge! Not normal ok seam line, but so big the it looks like hulk is being decapitated alive.
So looks like my luck is still 50/50 with them. Hope this someday will improve