Paul Walker dead

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Paul Walker,

We hope you don't mind this meager rabbit butthole discussion we made for you but it's the best we could come up with.


The Internets

P.S. Wish you were more of a walker. :(
I read earlier that "most" of the filming for Fast 7 was done and that Walkers part would not be scrapped. The rest of the cast and crew want to finish it as a tribute.

From everything I've read and seen Walker was a class act who always signed for kids and took what time he could for his fans. He was said to be a movie star who didn't act like a movie star. He grew up a mormom, but got out of that and became a Christian.

I will miss seeing him on film and genually feel for his daughter and family.

he seemed like a genuine nice guy. Like a friendly guy which is kind of rare in Hollywood.
I think that's what makes this so sad, he was such a cool guy, Yeah maybe his acting was not the best ( I liked him a lot) But he was a great person.
Yep agreed. I didn't even know who he was until his death, but everything I'm reading about him leads me to believe he truly was a great guy.

I'm really wanting to check out the Fast and Furious series now to see him in action.

It is but not so much when the thread is fans talking about the sadness of the man's death. Like I said if that's what you want to do I'd say bump a FF thread and do it there.
Pretty much. :exactly:
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Re: Paul Walker dead?

Yes, this post is stupid. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they deserve to go... Yikes.

It's fine, God's not a Beiber fan and the Devil can't stand him. He might end up immortal!
RIP Mr Walker.

I've not actually seen any of the F & F films so don't really know his work, but it's an incredible shame to lose anyone like that. He's roughly same age as me too :horror

May I just say to those that have posted to get a reaction or merely criticise his acting abilities, please post that in an F&F thread for the relevant film you mean (I'm sure there is one), this is not the place for it and I have cleaned this thread up.
TWO people have just died, please have a little respect and show a little tact, leave the character/ability assassination and crude comments out of it.

Please, lets at least try have one 'RIP' thread on this forum that doesn't turn into a troll fest and ends up getting locked.
If you have nothing respectful/ thoughtful or just plain polite to say, don't post.

x :peace
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RIP Mr Walker.

I've not actually seen any of the F & F films so don't really know his work, but it's an incredible shame to lose anyone like that. He's roughly same age as me too :horror

May I just say to those that have posted to get a reaction or merely criticise his acting abilities, please post that in an F&F thread for the relevant film you mean (I'm sure there is one), this is not the place for it and I have cleaned this thread up.
TWO people have just been died, please have a little respect and show a little tact, leave the character/ability assassination and crude comments out of it.

Please, lets at least try have one 'RIP' thread on this forum that doesn't turn into a troll fest and ends up getting locked.
If you have nothing respectful/ thoughtful or just plain polite to say, don't post.

x :peace

Glad someone finally cleaned this thread up, thanks Adoptedscot. :clap
In some of the pics of him with stubble he reminds me of that other tragic actor Andy Whitfield. He was also only 40 when he died.
I've been thinking the exact same thing, a-dev. They look similar, around the same age, and both seemed to be genuinely kind people.
In some of the pics of him with stubble he reminds me of that other tragic actor Andy Whitfield. He was also only 40 when he died.

I've been thinking the exact same thing, a-dev. They look similar, around the same age, and both seemed to be genuinely kind people.

Yep... I loved Andy as well. Such a shame he died from Cancer. At least he saw his death coming so I am sure there is some solace in that, rather than dying unexpectedly because of a car accident. I hope his daughter is coping as best as possible... Anybody else check out Tyrese's twitter or the video of him at the death scene? So heartbreaking... :(
Yep... I loved Andy as well. Such a shame he died from Cancer. At least he saw his death coming so I am sure there is some solace in that, rather than dying unexpectedly because of a car accident. I hope his daughter is coping as best as possible... Anybody else check out Tyrese's twitter or the video of him at the death scene? So heartbreaking... :(

I think I'd prefer to see it coming myself. Not that I want to get cancer, I don't, its one of my biggest fears. But at least with that you have some time to get your affairs in order and decide how you want to conduct your last few months, weeks. Depressing thought but I still think I'd prefer that to dying suddenly and unexpectedly.
so someone posted that this was a quote from Paul Walker from some interview?

If one day the speed kills me, don't cry because I was smiling.

Is it real? I tried to google it but couldn't find where he said that