thank you for quitting, that means one less person to worry about on hectic pre-order date
I think you will end up regretting this decision
It also annoys me that jerry has such low ES and crappy website
he customs everything for flippers and not actually collectors
he could easily sell 2000 akumas but chooses 700
PCS got it right with the ES. blame the site sure but PCS is the only few producer that make collecting a little fun
That's a bold statement of opinion laid out as fact
Color me crazy but POs pike that is not what make collecting fun. Quite the opposite for me. It overshadows the fun of collecting with manufactured, bogus and unnecessary stress.
That's a bold statement of opinion laid out as fact
Color me crazy but POs pike that is not what make collecting fun. Quite the opposite for me. It overshadows the fun of collecting with manufactured, bogus and unnecessary stress.
Mr. Green didn't try to laid it out as fact but PCS did sent an email about site problems and PCS did put a low ES. the fun part is an opinion of course. what's good about PCS is that this 1:3 scale Akuma is some what compareable to SSC's LSF and would cost bout 2k. so the price ain't bad
How much did you sell it for?
PCS' site is so weird. like Mr. Green can't see his Raiden and Akuma order.
At least 2 Klassics in the works. one close to done.