I know someone who will take his key to any car, particularly big trucks, who park however the hell they want - especially if it's next to his vehicle. While I don't necessarily condone this behavior, I would probably do it if I had more guts.Instead I typically leave a nasty note, if I have something to write with and write on in my car.
What I hate is when the guy with the "fancy" car parks waaay at the back of the lot and parks right on top of the spot where 4 spaces meet. When I was younger, and more impulsive I would park right up against those people even though it meant walking farther. And once I left a 'you are what's wrong with this world' kinda note under such a persons windshield wiper.
But again, that was like 12 years ago.
I can't imagine doing physical damage to anyone's car over something so silly though.