Chimera 1
Super Freak
I am sorry lonnie, I grew up playing sports like football, soccer and basketball. On weekends I'd run around outside with my friends. We built forts in the woods. We rode our bikes on dirt trails and jumped stuff. In short we got out of the house and played
I was the exact same way but, times have changed. Now kids basically need armed guards with them in order to play outside. There are so many psychos out there that you almost have to be afraid to let your kids play outside. I live in the suburbs and there are still a strong police presence before and after around my sons school. People are terrified because for some reason it has become an increased pedophile threat all around the country. it is like someone opened the gates of hell and let these bastards out and now thay have taken the shape of coaches, teachers, neighbors, etc....
I do let me son go outside and play don't get me wrong but he checks in every 1/2 hour, has a cell phone or walkabout radio, has boundries (he cannot go in the park alone or to the main street), and an escape route set up meaning assigned houses that he can run to in an emergency. We are even working on getting the kids in the neighborhood set up with gps transmitters. I know this sounds crazy but this is how it is today. Anyone who disagrees check the megans law website and see how many bastards live around you and your family.