Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I haven't read a single, solitary post that has claimed otherwise. If you aren't happy with the piece, by all means let Sideshow know, and if they don't correct it to your satisfaction, then don't buy it. But it sounds to me more like you are upset that there are actually people who don't share your opinion. How dare anyone actually like this sculpt?!?
I am planning to collect this entire line, and I am happy with the sculpt as it is. Sorry if that creates a problem for you, but that's life.
Schoolyard bullies?? That is really a stretch. I get really tired of all of the PC garbage that gets bandied about these days. It isn't the moderators job to protect peoples' opinions. If there is a personal attack, then they should step in. But if there is a disagreement of opinion, who is to say which one is right, and which is wrong?
And frankly, I don't care that you have the opinion that purchasing a product makes you an investor in a company. Try using that as a reason to attend a design meeting at Sideshow, and you'll find out just how mistaken you are.
No, your dollars deserve to either buy a piece you are happy with, or to be spent elsewhere. Nothing more, nothing less.