Darklord Dave said:
Saying that Mace "without question" needs bigger eyes is a misnomer because I, and it seems many others would disagree with that. And for such a subtle change that has been suggested, it is unlikely that ANYONE could judge such a thing without seeing the sculpt in person.
Um, if you want it to look more like SLJ, then yes, without question.
Same with Frodo and his wet hair. It may bug people more or less, or have a different effect on someone's purchase decision. But in terms of how much it resembles the source, there are certain things that aren't really debatable.
I do agree that seeing in person is a much different experience, but in my experience, flaws that you see in photos are still there. It's more like better lighting of the piece, and seeing it with your eyes, you notice other, more subtle details that improve the
overall look of the piece. But the stuff that bugged you initially will still be there.
The pictures that we see are the final sculpt after it has been submitted and approved by the Licensor. They may have submitted it many, many times to Lucasfilm or New Line before it was finally approved. Sam Jackson may even have approval over his likeness and he might have had a hand in refinements to Mace. We don't know, but after months of development and back and forth with the licensor it is unlikely that the sculpt will change because of fan feedback. Which would start the whole process over again and delay the release of a product by months.
See, that's a lot of maybe's. I think if SS were a little more transparent about the process (if, indeed, they are legally allowed, for example) it would make their fans a lot more understanding, and certainly help curb a lot of what would then become pointless back-and-forth discussion. If we know that the original Frodo sculpt had better looking hair (or whatever), but New Line submitted revisions to make it more like what we have, then at least we know.
As far as delays, I don't think anyone would begrudge SS delaying a product if it meant making it that much better. A lot of collectors will have these displayed for years and years to come, so what's a few months?
And admittedly being somewhat ignorant about the process, wouldn't it be possible to cast the "finished" sculpt out of clay, and then add or subtract from there, instead of starting from scratch?
Darth Rage said:
This may just be semantics and I think we may have seen this stated in regard to other pieces, but I just checked the order page and no where does it say "authentic license of Elijah Wood." On the Aragorn as Strider 12" page there is a quote, "Authentic likeness of Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn from The Fellowship of the Ring". Maybe it is just the way they advertise the 12" line, with "authentic likenees" as a standard tag line? The Luke pf states "The 17" Luke Skywalker figure is the most film-accurate representation of the character ever produced." so I think likeness is implied.
I don't know, just thought I would throw that out there.
Thanks for posting and clearing that up, that's interesting!
But clearly the piece is based on Elijah Wood as Frodo, and not "Frodo, the character from Tolkien" because then he'd be fatter and older looking.