I'm just trying to go over this in my head...
of the SW Exclusives,
Luke had a poncho. yeah, I sorta remember seeing that scene.
Han got a medal after Yavin, yeah, i remember that too.
Leia with the stormtrooper blaster? yeah, she shot better than the boys.
Ben with the trainer droid? Yep.
Vader with the mouse droid? Yep, he almost stepped on it.
Dagobah Luke with Yoda? yeah, that last part of the training had Luke's image in the helmet.
Grievous? The cape was awesome.
Each instance, I distinctly (for the most part) recall seeing each figure in that scene using/associated with the exclusive. I remember discussion somewhere, i don't know if it was Board member initiated or if it was an SSC rep, but that each exclusive item would be associated closely to that character.
Now sure, Maul is awesome. But the only time we saw Maul with a double-lightsaber lit was in Theed hanger during "the duel of the fates". When he fought Qui-Gonn on Tatooine, he only used one side of the lightsaber.
When we saw Maul with the probe droids, he wore his outer cloak. The only time Maul removed his cloak AND used the double-lightsaber (as far as both blades ignited) was again... Theed hanger. NO DROIDS.
Therefore, why the change now?