i just went through this entire thread page by page and decided to make a Neo of my own.
I already ordered...
Headplay Headsculpt
2.5 Coat
Boots (the custom ones you guys were talking about)
Body (https://www.ebay.com/itm/280834211679?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649)
I need some input though on a few parts...
The Sarah Conner pants dont seem like a viable option anymore so what is a good alternative? I'm not too too worried about the pockets being there or not but i do want them to fit nicely.
What glasses are the best to get?
What's the best undershirt these days?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
After working with the 2.5 coat, I find the sleeves are to tight.
If you're going to use it you'll need to have them taken apart and
opened up a bit and then put back on.
However, I did find the Black shirt that comes with Triad Black Bullet Ballet outfit works out really well for a Neo shirt.
The sleeves are a little long, but an easy fix.
I'll take some pictures and post them later. If you like it I may have some extras I'll throw in my ebay store.
Also, the pants that comes with Art Figures "save" figure, work out
as well. You can find them parted out on ebay every now and then
and also some other online stores.
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