Pipe weed what's the real deal?

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Think I'm gonna go partake in some pipe weed in a few minutes actually.... HOBBIT STYLE! :rotfl
Watch the DVD appendices, there's talk about how they shot multiple versions of Merry and Pippin smoking on the walls at Isengard because PJ wasn't sure about how to handle the pipe weed. They played one drunk, one stoned, etc. Worth a watch.
Can't believe they actually came-up with a real version of Longbottom Leaf.

Smoked the ciggys for over 15 years. Just kicked the habit about 2 months ago.

Wasn't easy, but feel tons better already....
Yeah in the book it's tobacco but the movies put an intoxicant slant on it. Does anyone remember the dvd commentary when PJ says they were concerned about showing smoking to the New Line producers for obvious reasons... they weren't bothered at all! In fact, they were more concerned with other little things like "does Bill the pony makes his way home safely after they let him go at Moria"?!?? :lol


:rotfl :lol :rotfl
I can't imagine being as excited as the Hobbits were over just mere tobacco. It might not have been pot, but it must've had a little kick to it. ;)
Well, it is said in the books to be the finest. Does anyone here not think pot is the finest of smokes? Maybe the ones who get real paranoid, or who haven't tried it. And the one's who listen to the lies spread about it by gonvernments who could never make a penny if it were legalized.

Paranoid smokers can be fun though, but one new year I got together with a small group of friends and one of my friends who ate a "brownie"
just sat in a corner all night not saying anything. So I get up to go to the kitchen and he follows me in. When we got away from everyone else he goes apesh1t with all these things he was wanting to add to the conversation but was much too afraid to do it in front of everybody. So he keeps me in the kitchen for like 40 minutes just erupting with conversational points from the last two hours.
my ass its tobbaco or weed, dont you remember when gandalf smokes a ton of that ^^^^ when he knows frodo has the ring. frodo comes home and gandalf is tripping balls in the dark, on the chair talking to himself

sign me up for some of that!
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Darth, is that the Yoda VCD that Sideshow sold? I'd like to get one of those. I bought the Wicket VCD with a SS giftcard and he's such a cute little ^^^^ that I'd like to get Yoda now.

That's the Medicom Yoda. Found that pic at Photobucket and LMAO!

I've been trying to find a Medi Yoda at a reasonable price myself. It's an awesome figure! :D