Playstation 3 Thread

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The 60gb you can play PS1 and PS2 games. Words from the streets saying that the 80gb can play few ps2 games but cant play PS1 games. I think thats about it :monkey1 If you still play PS1 and 2 games , go for the 60gb. :D

I just play the God Of War and Metal Gear series and the Marvel vs Capcom 2. I got the MGS4 80GB Bundle but was thinking on getting another PS3 in the future for the living room for the bluray. But is there any problems with the 60GB with glitches or the system pooping out? Is it reliable like the newer PS3?
Home open beta begins tomorrow

It's been a long wait, but we're finally all going Home. SCEE has announced that the service will be available to everyone starting tomorrow. From the looks of it, there'll be no firmware update involved. The Home icon should simply appear under the PSN section of the XMB after a system reboot. As for what content you can expect to see once the open beta begins, there'll be plenty more than in the current closed beta, with more coming soon.

The Far Cry 2 game space will make a return and new content, such as clothing from Diesel, furniture from Ligne Roset and the Red Bull Air Race space will appear. Game spaces for Uncharted, Warhawk and SOCOM will follow "vey soon." Watchmen movie content has also been announced via the press release, including "an exclusive video greeting from Watchmen Director Zack Snyder as well as the latest Watchmen trailer. A selection of virtual Watchmen merchandise e.g. T-Shirts with the smiley face logo, Doomsday clocks and character statues, will also be available in the New Year, ahead of an exclusive Q & A event where cast and filmmakers will meet selected press and competition winners fans within the Watchmen themed environment. "





PS3 Fanboy:
Playstation Blog:
I just play the God Of War and Metal Gear series and the Marvel vs Capcom 2. I got the MGS4 80GB Bundle but was thinking on getting another PS3 in the future for the living room for the bluray. But is there any problems with the 60GB with glitches or the system pooping out? Is it reliable like the newer PS3?

doubt it. I own a 40gb and it works fine, so i guess the same with 60gb.
You're Marvel vs capcom2 still works? mine doesnt work on the ps2 anymore:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
I just play the God Of War and Metal Gear series and the Marvel vs Capcom 2. I got the MGS4 80GB Bundle but was thinking on getting another PS3 in the future for the living room for the bluray. But is there any problems with the 60GB with glitches or the system pooping out? Is it reliable like the newer PS3?

I have the 60gb and love it. It has been very reliable for me. The great thing about its ability to play pas1 and ps2 gmaes is that it also upscale them to a higher resolution. There isn't a huge difference but they do look a little nicer.
Got a question for you guys about the PS3 display... I have it hooked up (via HDMI) to my 1080p TV. Well the image at 1080p has this tendency to have weird variances in color... basically like it it has swatches of lighter color that appear intermintently.

If I go into the display and set it to 1080i the dissappear, but then if I put it to 1080p they come back. Now the odder thing. If I start in 1080p, go through the above steps... then change my TV aspect ration from full (through the other ratio's) back to full it dissappears even in 1080p. But then after a day or so it goes right back to having the image problems?

I called PS3 support and they were not helpful, any ideas... or similar problems?
What fps do you have it set at? Maybe that's got it all screwy? Make sure it's set to 60fps. 24fps is only for a few super expensive set that can display true 1080p/24fps.

Other than that, I don't know?? I haven't experienced a problem like that before.
Id hook it up to another TV first to determine if its the TV or the PS3 ...
Id hook it up to another TV first to determine if its the TV or the PS3 ...

Unfortunately my other TV is only 1080i... no problem at that setting, its at 1080p I have an issue.

What fps do you have it set at? Maybe that's got it all screwy? Make sure it's set to 60fps. 24fps is only for a few super expensive set that can display true 1080p/24fps.

Other than that, I don't know?? I haven't experienced a problem like that before.

Is that in the control panel somewhere? I'll tinker w/it tonight as I never noticed that setting before.
Okay the only thing I found under settings for 24hz was this:

BD 1080p 24hz Output (HDMI)
Sets the playback method for BDs recorded at 24hz

And then you can have it set on auto, off or on. It was set at auto, and I turned it off and it didn't make a difference.

Not sure if there is a different setting that puts it to 60? But that was the only thing I was able to find. The weird thing is it does this image thing even when its not playing a movie or game... even on the menu screen.

And its not a super noticeable issue, but when a scene is fairly stable you can notice the odd spots of lighter color... it almost looks like streaks, but they appear and dissappear randomly.
Well, then the next thing to do is check your HDMI cable and then your TV. Always check the TV last as it's the most expensive to replace. Change out your HDMI cable and then take your PS3 to a friends house with a HDTV and see if it's still messing up there.

If it is still messed up on another TV AFTER changing the HDMI cable and moving to another TV, then it's more than likely your PS3. If it doesn't mess up on another TV, then it's your TV!!

Other than that man, I don't know what to tell ya. If anything, go to the PS3 boards on and search around for your problem.
Well, then the next thing to do is check your HDMI cable and then your TV. Always check the TV last as it's the most expensive to replace. Change out your HDMI cable and then take your PS3 to a friends house with a HDTV and see if it's still messing up there.

If it is still messed up on another TV AFTER changing the HDMI cable and moving to another TV, then it's more than likely your PS3. If it doesn't mess up on another TV, then it's your TV!!

Other than that man, I don't know what to tell ya. If anything, go to the PS3 boards on and search around for your problem.

I've swapped the cables and I've tried the different HDMI slots, with the same result. I'll try my friends house next... luckily the TV is under a 3 year warranty so I can replace it if necessary :rock

Thanks for the help :rock
I've heard that all PS3 versions are not backwards compatible. Which versions are, if any, backwards compatible? Thanks.
Hey Fingaz...

Are there any versions out now that you can buy(in stores that is), backwards compatible?
The 80GB MGS4 PS3 is the last one to have BWC. It plays MOST PS2 games, but NO PS1 games.

Seriously though, I have no need for PS1/2 games. If I did, I'd just own a PS2!

I have the same one, and it plays PsOne, i have only tried the original Silent Hill, but it worked without issue (from what I could see)

Question for all of you: I am using a pretty generic HDMI cord with my PS3....will 'brand name' versions or more expensive ones actually improve on picture, or are they all about the same?