Playstation 3 Thread

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Well the PS3 is a much more quiet machine than the 360, so I assume really quiet now.

The PS3 is definantly quieter than early 360's but the newer Jasper models you only hear a slight hum and the disc spin occasionally when loading. Mine makes about as much noise as my friends PS3.

I'm glad the PS3's are getting a long overdue price drop. If I wasn't currently being kicked out of the house I live in by my land lord I'd pick one up next month.
The fan noise problems with the PS3 are mainly with the original 60GB model. The 80, 160, and especially 40GB models run much quieter. I assume this slim version will run just as quiet. Asthetically the piano black finish and touch buttons on the original "phat" PS3 look much better, but you cannot beat this slim one for the price. I, for one, see no reason to upgrade just yet, unless you don't have a PS3. I still love my fatty :D
I be shocked if Microsoft by year end didn't announced or release a slimed version of the 360. I mean they are already working on one with the new chip and everything, and one to launch with project natal next year. And with them phasing out the Pro model and dropping the Elite down to $300 it only adds more fuel to the fire.

Now that SONY has a new model that is cheaper and faster, smaller, quieter, and more economic, M$ won't be too far behind.
Microsoft better get their shat together next gen or the next console release. They totally rushed it out the gate just to get it out before anyone, and obviously it was a bad move. As it has the faultiest hardware rate. By over 50%.
I be shocked if Microsoft by year end didn't announced or release a slimed version of the 360. I mean they are already working on one with the new chip and everything, and one to launch with project natal next year. And with them phasing out the Pro model and dropping the Elite down to $300 it only adds more fuel to the fire.

Now that SONY has a new model that is cheaper and faster, smaller, quieter, and more economic, M$ won't be too far behind.

I agree. I wouldn't be the least bit suprized if M$ released a 360 slim by mid next year at the latest seeing the success of the the PS2 slim and I'm sure the PS3 slims will be succesfull also especially with to $100 price drop. Hopefully if they do make a 360 slim, M$ will fix the RROD/E74 issues.
noob's the quality of the Blu-ray player!?...crap, on par with other players, better!?:confused:
noob's the quality of the Blu-ray player!?...crap, on par with other players, better!?:confused:

I'd say it's the best since it's Sony's flagship player. The PS3 is always first to get the firmware updates and such. The Blu-Ray drive + hard drive make the PS3 a hard to beat all-around media player that also happens to play video games.

However, my experience has been less than stellar due to the drive dying. I'm cautiously optimistic about the slim though.