Playstation 3 Thread

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Since the price drop, all the 80GB PS3's in my area are sold out, though a buddy of mine who works at Best Buys says it's because Sony has limited how many PS3s they ship out.

Since the PS3 slim is obviously smaller I've read on some forums that because all the components and stuff will be crammed closer together because of the samller size that the slims might be more prone to overheating or hardware failure dispite the new 45nm processor. Any truth to that.
Since the PS3 slim is obviously smaller I've read on some forums that because all the components and stuff will be crammed closer together because of the samller size that the slims might be more prone to overheating or hardware failure dispite the new 45nm processor. Any truth to that.

I dunno, but with all the problems I've had with the fat, I'm gonna take my chances with a slim.
From PC World:

"The PS3's movie playback experience is best if you start from scratch, inserting a disc into the front-loading slot as soon as you power up the unit. It took just 3 seconds for our Underworld Evolution disc to physically load into the unit itself, followed almost immediately by the PlayStation 3 startup music. The screen then blacked out, and the movie came up on screen. Total elapsed time from disc insertion to the start of the program (in this case, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment's opening splash screen) was a respectable 24 seconds."
all i wanna know is if there is a fix\patch to moving locked RE5 game data from one PS3 to another???

all i wanna know is if there is a fix\patch to moving locked RE5 game data from one PS3 to another???


More or less, no. We can't move game save data for reasons such as trophy whoring. Just moving the data from one place to another won't give you the trophies, but say you give someone a save data where you gotta do one little thing to get some awesome trophy. The only way you can move it, I think, I just using the backup option from moving it from one hard drive to another. All that save data will still be under the one profile name though.

So more or less, you can only ever go to the one profile, as far as I know.
More or less, no. We can't move game save data for reasons such as trophy whoring. Just moving the data from one place to another won't give you the trophies, but say you give someone a save data where you gotta do one little thing to get some awesome trophy. The only way you can move it, I think, I just using the backup option from moving it from one hard drive to another. All that save data will still be under the one profile name though.

So more or less, you can only ever go to the one profile, as far as I know.

can you use the backup utility for just one game, everything else i nedd is already copied over. I am using the same profile btw.

also thanks for your reply :D
Well, I dug into it a bit, and I'm sorry to say, no you cannot. It's up to developers if they want to protect saves from being copied, and RE5 happens to be one of them. The only way you're gonna move that save is through the system backup and restore. So yeah, you can move it if you carry around your hard drive. :D
Bought the slim today, posting from it right now cause my computer took a ^^^^ the other day. Not bad at all. Now, what games to buy :) MGS4 is only 29$ so that a given. And my daughter wants Motorstorm 2. Nice to have a PS3 back in the house.
Bought the slim today, posting from it right now cause my computer took a ^^^^ the other day. Not bad at all. Now, what games to buy :) MGS4 is only 29$ so that a given. And my daughter wants Motorstorm 2. Nice to have a PS3 back in the house.

I was just going to see if anyone picked one up since I saw them at Target tonight.

I have a old PS3 and am thinking about getting a new slim for my main unit.

How does it look and feel in person?
Looks fine (not glossy like the old ones but nice. Gloss where you put the disk in though.) Still got a little heft to it.
(the old ones looks sharper IMO but they're trying to cut costs so... But if you like smaller mini things it's great!)
All in all a sharp looking machine. I'm just glad to have a PS3 back, i really missed having one. (got rid of it for an xbox 360 last year, big mistake! Just wanted the 360 for gta DL content, which PS3 is going to be getting anyways after the TIMED agreements with MS runs out. :))
(got rid of it for an xbox 360 last year, big mistake! Just wanted the 360 for gta DL content, which PS3 is going to be getting anyways after the TIMED agreements with MS runs out. :))

I also bought a slim last night but have only really used it for blu-rays so far. I'll go deeper into the system this weekend. As far as the tech goes, it seems sturdy enough and is definitely a lot quieter than my 360. The controller feels a little light, though, and I don't like the idea of not being able to remove the battery pack. From what I can gather, once the pack dies, you have to buy a whole new controller to replace it. Can someone confirm?

But I wouldn't get rid of my 360 yet if I were you. DLC publishing rights and associated costs are a touchy subject with Sony, so there's never any guarantee you'll see all the GTA DLC on the PS3. AFAIK, they have never released all the DLC packs that were released for Oblivion and that game's over two years old now. If you can afford it, keep both systems for now, just in case.
I picked up a slim last night. I wish Sony would make it easier to transfer games to new systems. I had to re-download everything because the backup/restore utility won't restore to different machines, apparently. It was painless, but long. It would make a lot more sense to just allow you to deauthorize on one machine, and then authorize the other. The only thing I'm dreading is moving Singstar songs. Apparently, I have to call Sony and work out the transfer with them, since Singstar is handled differently than PSN. :monkey2