Playstation 3 Thread

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I really want the PS3 to succeed, but I'm not impressed by the current crop of titles out there. It's underwhelming.

The only games off the top of my head that interest me are Mario Galaxy (any A-quality Nintendo games) and some of the FPS/sports games on the 360. Though the PS3 has much the same sports titles, graphically they're barely any better than the 360 versions.

About the backwards compatibility issue, the new 40GB lacks any form of it, and the 80 uses software emulation, which is updatable through firmware, but far from perfect. It is the 'old' 60GB model that has hardware compatibility.

Before I forget to ask, do the controllers have rumble now?

Mario Galaxy is Wii only, the main things coming up for PS3 are Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, then Metal Gear Solid 4, and also Unreal Tournament III. But I don't expect any of those to be all that big.

And while they have the new Dualshock 3 with rumble, they aren't adding it to the new game systems, so if you want rumble you'll have to buy a new controller. They should have added it to the40GB version to offset the the stuff they took out, but Sony loves the exquisite pain they recieve from constantly shooting themselves in the foot.
Just got Assassin's Creed for the PS3 and WOW!

This is clearly one of the most visually stunning games I have seen. Heavenly Sword knocked my socks off with its look, but Assassin's Creed really bring a real look to it all...I am extremely impressed.

The game is fun too and has some of the most fluid and natural looking movements of game models I've seen in a long while. I haven't gotten very far...just arrived in "The Kingdom" hub-world...but I am interested in the game and the futuristic "backstory" is a very interesting twist that I am waiting to see how it unravels.
, the main things coming up for PS3 are Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, then Metal Gear Solid 4, and also Unreal Tournament III. But I don't expect any of those to be all that big.

None of them will be big? That's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a while. To say Metal Gear won't be big is... well, you just can't say that. UT3 will also be huge. Uncharted is getting massive amounts of press right now too. I can honestly say that all 3 titles will be system sellers, no doubt.

Oh, and anybody who does have a PS3, go buy Uncharted as soon as you can. As of right now, it's the single most fun I've probably ever had in a game. Awesome visuals, fun combat, and really good story.
None of them will be big? That's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a while. To say Metal Gear won't be big is... well, you just can't say that. UT3 will also be huge. Uncharted is getting massive amounts of press right now too. I can honestly say that all 3 titles will be system sellers, no doubt.

Oh, and anybody who does have a PS3, go buy Uncharted as soon as you can. As of right now, it's the single most fun I've probably ever had in a game. Awesome visuals, fun combat, and really good story.

I didn't mean that they wouldn't be big, just not as big as a lot of PS3 fans expect them to be. Heavenly Sword was supposed to be big and while it was visually amazing and not half-bad, it wasn't nearly the caliber of some of the other good games this year like COD4, Bioshock, Guitar Hero III, or Super Mario Galaxy. UT3 is being released on PC next week which will take some of the momentum away from the PS3 release and the delays make it less popular. Same with Metal Gear Solid which continues to get delays. And Uncharted just isn't getting as high a profile as the other main releases this year, although it is amazing. The bad reputation of the PS3 doesn't help the titles either.

Although I think Metal Gear Solid is really odd, it looks pretty good, not as good as what the PS3 probably can put out, but still next-gen, but it's kind of ridiculous, I was watching a video and they were demonstrating how he was in a building and there was some guard walking around and while the guard was facing another direction he got closer and laid on the ground and camouflaged himself to match the floor patter, and then the guard just walked right past him and so he got up and killed him. But what was ridiculous was that it was so obvious to see him on the ground even if he did look like the floor pattern because there was still shadows and I'm sure from the standpoint of the guard it would have looked really strange. For a stealth game that would seem like the stupidest idea to think of.

But the statue camouflage thing would probably pass I think.
I have yet to hook up my new PS3, but I just picked up Guitar Hero III, Simpsons and Resistance:Fall of Man. Any comments on which one I should try first?
Resistance Fall of Man is a great game but takes a while to get into. For immediate gratification, I'd say Simpsons.
i cant wait to play assasins creed and COD4 when i get back to the states. Im just happy that PS3 is finally coming out with kick ass games!
i cant wait to play assasins creed and COD4 when i get back to the states. Im just happy that PS3 is finally coming out with kick ass games!

Assassin's Creed is said to look better on the PS3, but a lot of people are getting bad glitches on PS3's with the 2.0 firmware. It's a great game though. I'll have to decide if I want to wait for the PC version or go ahead and get the Xbox version.
Anyone getting Rock Band this week?

I have it on pre-order w/Amazon. (No longer available for pre-order)

But, its not supposed to ship till early December (because I didn't pre-order till later on), so I am going to try to land one at Wal*Mart on Tuesday.

Anyone getting Rock Band this week?

I have it on pre-order w/Amazon. (No longer available for pre-order)

But, its not supposed to ship till early December (because I didn't pre-order till later on), so I am going to try to land one at Wal*Mart on Tuesday.


i'm gonna wait and see some reviews before i decide if i want i or not. my GF said i can choose between it and the new guitar hero for an x-mas present.
Anyone with a PS3 must buy Uncharted Drake's Fortune! I am an ultra 360 fan. I personally think it wipes the floor with the PS3. However, I think Drake's is the game of the year and worth all of you attention! It is like playing an Indiana Jones story. It is the best game I have played in a long time. :cool:
Guitar Hero III is HARD! You have to be Jimi Hendrix to get by in expert mode. But then I'm having problems figuring out the Simpsons.
Guitar Hero III is HARD! You have to be Jimi Hendrix to get by in expert mode. But then I'm having problems figuring out the Simpsons.

Expert is really hard, I've been trying it out on the Hard difficulty with the Xbox 360 controller and it's difficult, especially on the controller since the buttons aren't exactly logical. But it's good in a way since you don't have to strum the instrument while switching buttons. I tried on PC also (just for fun) and it's ridiculous, using the keyboard is horrible, you have to strum for each note while switching and that just doesn't work on the keyboard, which is odd, but it's horrible. I really need to try the actual guitar. But I've only got enough money for one game and I'm saving that for Mass Effect so right now I'm stuck with the demos.
My sister got me COD4:MW for my b-day and it is freakin' AWESOME!!! I cant get enough, and the visuals are insane. Sometimes it really looks like you are watching CNN or something.

Highly recommend this to PS3 owners.
I'm playing Gears again on the 360 and I'm having a blast playing guitar hero iii on the ps3 so I probably won't pick up Uncharted. Plus some time has to be dedicated to Mario Galaxy as well. :wacky In regards to the difficulty for GHIII, easy was well, pretty easy. I'm playing on Medium now which isn't that bad and finishing career mode shouldn't be a problem. Now hard and expert will probably be a lot more difficult. I was having a laugh watching a video of someone playing on expert mode and getting 100%. That's just freaking nuts. I didn't get 100% on easy. I got really close (ie 99%) many times but never hit 100%.
Anyone with a PS3 must buy Uncharted Drake's Fortune! I am an ultra 360 fan. I personally think it wipes the floor with the PS3. However, I think Drake's is the game of the year and worth all of you attention! It is like playing an Indiana Jones story. It is the best game I have played in a long time. :cool:

I beat Uncharted Drakes fortune tonight. I have to say now that I beat it, it was the best single player game I have played yet this year. You go PS3! This game rules. If you have a PS3 and not this game than shame on you. This game rocked! :cool: