Playstation 3 Thread

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Im selling my 360 to buy a PS3, i figure Blue Ray discs will hold alot more game data in the future and the HDMI is a plus. Its a shame Microsoft are money grubbing *******s and released an ELITE 360 after their original console..

They've lost me forever
I got cod4 as well. major kick ass game all the way!

That it is. COD4 is by far one of the best on the PS3 in my opinion. The online play is awesome and just never seems to get old. If anyone is looking for an extra person to shoot with, add JPZ_81 to your friends list...or if anyone is looking to join a mature gaming clan, check out We are a tight knit group of skilled shooters and great friends that currently play and compete on COD4 and RainbowSixVegas for the PS3.
I'm not that terrible @ COD4 anymore (though I wouldn't call myself good) and am looking to get a freak frag-fest going if we can get enough people. If we can get 8, that would be ideal so we could play domination. Even if we can't get 8, we can still meet in a party lobby and (I think) play against random jabronies.

I don't have a mic, so you won't be subjected to my cursing... yet.

Post here or send a friend request to "Sgt_Kabukiman" if you want in.
When you hook the PS3 up by HDMI do you need to run a seperate cable for sound? or does the HDMI carry the sound as well?
PS3 to Outsell 360 This Year

So says Electronic Arts in its 2008 forecast.

by Martin Robinson, IGN UK

UK, February 4, 2008 - Electronic Arts has just released predicted hardware sales for the coming year, with the Xbox 360 predicted to sell between 6 to 8 million units in North America and Europe, while the PS3 is expected to shift 9.5 to 11.5 million units.

The software giant expects the two consoles to be neck and neck in North America, with estimates for both the Xbox 360 and PS3 coming in between 4.5 and 5.5 million. It's in the European territories that Sony looks to steal a lead in the console race, with a predicted 5 to 6 million units sold as opposed to the Xbox 360 with 1.5 to 2.5 million. Nintendo's Wii is predicted to maintain a clear lead over the opposition, with combined European and North American sales of 12 to 14 million.

Meanwhile on the handheld front, the DS is again expected to triumph, with an estimated advantage over its chief rival Sony's PSP of around 8 million units.
PS3 SHOULD be outselling the 360 now. 360 was out about a full year before the PS3 and many people already owned a 360 when the PS3 came out. I think the fact that the 360 is selling nearly as well speaks volumes for the unit.
I have a speech competition tomorrow from my school and first place gets $2,000. If I win, I'm goign to buy a PS3, but what are some good games out?