Playstation 3 Thread

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So a buddy of mine gave me a USB flashdrive with a few movies on it, they are AVI format from what he said however they were downloaded from torrent sites I'm sure, will my PS3 still play them as I heard somewhere the PS3 has some kind of software that prevent you from playing pirated movies.

They'll play fine. I download tv shows every week for watching on the PS3.

Sony announces "Cloud Storage" for the PS3.

Kotaku has learned that earlier today, Sony informed developers of a new feature for the PlayStation 3: the ability to save games in the "cloud".

Cloud storage means that, rather than just keeping your save game data on your PlayStation 3's hard drive, users will be given the option to upload their saves remotely to a server. The advantage of this is that not only does it save the user space on their hard drive, but since it's tied to a PlayStation Network account, it can be pulled down to different consoles whenever and wherever the user desires.

First rumoured all the way back in 2009, there is of course a catch: it'll only be made available to PlayStation Plus subscribers, not the great unwashed. Actually, there are two catches: Sony bundled the announcement with the clause that, because saving games to the cloud "will allow save data with the copy prohibited attribute to be copied into the online storage", developers are able to opt out and bar their games from using it should there be a concern.

Sony will call the process "Online Saving", and it'll be made available as part of the PS3's upcoming 3.60 firmware update. We've contacted the company for further information, and will update if we hear back.

Kotaku Article
It's only a matter of time before the free PS3 service will be like a 360 silver account. It'll be completely useless.

They need to really fix the issues if they want me to pay for it. Its pretty sad that a group of us has to fire up 360s to chat if we want to play different games on PS3. Plus the servers are painfully slow for downloads.
They need to really fix the issues if they want me to pay for it. Its pretty sad that a group of us has to fire up 360s to chat if we want to play different games on PS3. Plus the servers are painfully slow for downloads.

If the service got as good or better than Live, I'd be down for paying. I can't stand not having a private chat or party chat option when playing on the PS3:gah:
My 500gb drive is still going strong without problems, but I think this is starting to get a little carried away with firmware updates. Especially the PS3.

Despite Sony's close attention to closing jailbreaking hacks with the latest mandatory PS3 firmware update, users are voicing frustration over apparent problems with upgraded hard drives. A number of posts on the company's PlayStation Community forums point to a "data corrupted" error when users attempt to boot systems with upgraded storage.

It is unclear if the issue involves all aftermarket HDDs, or a select number of drive models from certain manufacturers. The only temporary fix appears to require users to reinstall the original drive until Sony offers a fix.

Separate reports suggest the 3.56 update has already been cracked, though hackers are still working to release a full jailbreak.
There is a new revised version of 3.56 available now if you go to updates. It's almost certainly a fix for the HDD problems some have been having.

Unfortunately frequent security updates for the PS3 will probably be the norm now thanks to those a-hole hackers exploits, unless Sony can find a permanent fix for it which is very unlikely.
Lets hope it stays that way because I bought the one you said you had in your PS3. I sure dont want to go back to the 40gb I used to have.:(

Well if the PS3 dies it'll be because of something else. I bought two of these 500gb drives, and the other one is still running strong in my MBP.
My 500gb drive is still going strong without problems, but I think this is starting to get a little carried away with firmware updates. Especially the PS3.

I've been saying this for a while now and usually get screamed at by fanboys for it. There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to play a game or watch Netflix only to be greeted by a "You can't do what you want to do until you run this update" message.

Then, sometimes, the update fails to download. If you're lucky enough to get the download to go to 100%, it's a long slow process no matter how fast your connection is. *Then*, after it's downloaded, you have to wait for it to install, which is usually a minimum of 15 minutes. :gah:
I've been saying this for a while now and usually get screamed at by fanboys for it. There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to play a game or watch Netflix only to be greeted by a "You can't do what you want to do until you run this update" message.

Then, sometimes, the update fails to download. If you're lucky enough to get the download to go to 100%, it's a long slow process no matter how fast your connection is. *Then*, after it's downloaded, you have to wait for it to install, which is usually a minimum of 15 minutes. :gah:

Most updates download in around 10 minutes for me and have never failed part way through. There must be something wrong with your PS3 if it takes 15 minutes to install an update, I would say 5 minutes max, Even the big 3.0 update didn't take long...

And my 8Mb broadband only gets me speeds of around 800kbps...
I've been saying this for a while now and usually get screamed at by fanboys for it. There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to play a game or watch Netflix only to be greeted by a "You can't do what you want to do until you run this update" message.

Then, sometimes, the update fails to download. If you're lucky enough to get the download to go to 100%, it's a long slow process no matter how fast your connection is. *Then*, after it's downloaded, you have to wait for it to install, which is usually a minimum of 15 minutes. :gah:

The only thing I complain about is the "mandatory" updates that both systems force you to get. It really does bug me that if there's an update I have to download it before being able to do something else.

I've never had an update fail downloading or installing. If it does, that sucks. And I've used a stop watch several times during an update because it's getting boring hearing the exaggerated claims of updates taking too long. None have ever taken longer than 5-6 minutes from start to finish. It the time is drastically different for others then it has to be the internet connection.
I've been saying this for a while now and usually get screamed at by fanboys for it. There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to play a game or watch Netflix only to be greeted by a "You can't do what you want to do until you run this update" message.

Then, sometimes, the update fails to download. If you're lucky enough to get the download to go to 100%, it's a long slow process no matter how fast your connection is. *Then*, after it's downloaded, you have to wait for it to install, which is usually a minimum of 15 minutes. :gah:

Maybe theres something wrong with my PS3 as well then like others are saying because I have given up on my PS3. Its the same thing, I cant do anything until I get an update that takes longer than I want adn then even after that it has to install...crazy. I too thought it had something to do with connection, but my "othXer" system doesnt take as long as the PS3. Ive already disconnected it from the network. I only play single player games on it. All though for Kill Zone 3, it will probably get plugged back in. Just sucks regardless updates shouldnt take longer than 5 mins at the most.
Most updates download in around 10 minutes for me and have never failed part way through. There must be something wrong with your PS3 if it takes 15 minutes to install an update, I would say 5 minutes max, Even the big 3.0 update didn't take long...

This is my 3rd PS3 (they've all been just as slow) and everybody I know personally has the same problem. This last "minor" update was the worst.
Just bought some old Crash Bandicoot games the other day, retro goodness.

Bought number 3 since it's the only one I don't own and picked up CTR because I cracked my disc a few years back.
Just bought some old Crash Bandicoot games the other day, retro goodness.

Bought number 3 since it's the only one I don't own and picked up CTR because I cracked my disc a few years back.

Are those any good? I never gave those games a shot back in the day because of my deep seeded hatred for all things PSX. Might have to give 'em a shot...
Are those any good? I never gave those games a shot back in the day because of my deep seeded hatred for all things PSX. Might have to give 'em a shot...

What!? What the hell did you play in the 90s? The PSX had so many great games they can't even be named.

Love the Crash games. If your going to get one ever, the 2nd one is the best of of all 3..and also had the best variety of gameplay and levels. Platforming classic right there. As long as you can get over the older graphics, which were great for a PSX game.

After Naughty Dog stopped producing them (their last game was Crash Team Racing) they started to suck. Not surprisingly because Naughty Dog has always put out quality games...first the Crash series, then Jak and Daxter, now Uncharted.
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Some news about Sony's latest Hacker problems. From Kotaku:

With the PlayStation 3 cracked wide open and alleged console hackers being taken to court, Sony Computer Entertainment America issues a statement today warning users that the use of "unauthorized circumvention devices" will be met with swift, meaningless justice.
As the private cryptography key that allows hackers to run unauthorized and pirated software on the PlayStation 3 circulates around the internet, SCEA felt the need to make sure end-users were aware that utilizing such information is definitely a no bueno.

Today the company issued the following statement, warning of the penalties associated with hacking the PlayStation 3.
Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the "System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System" and the "Terms of Services and User Agreement" for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.

To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems.

Tough words, but I very much doubt PlayStation 3 hackers are all that concerned with PlayStation Network access or streaming movies to their consoles. They want to run homebrew, and they want to run pirated games, neither of which are particularly PlayStation Network-centric.

Note that Sony says this is its "initial response" to the situation, so harsher, more effective penalties could be in the pipeline.

Until that happens, hackers' boots will likely remain un-quaked in.
some times my PS3 updates take over 40 mins long! If you haven't use your PS3 in a long time it will take longer to update.
I had to completely reset my system a few months ago, because my son got into my profile on his PSP and downloaded a bunch of crap and then changed my password and couldn't remember it, but anyway since it's an older system I thought it'd be downloading updates forever. Nope. I can't remember my system taking forever to download updates. Yes, I think about everytime I get on it there's an update, but they never take more than a few minutes.