Where'd you get it fixed?? I'm afraid mine is close to knocking on death's door. Just curious if it would be cheaper to fix it or just buy a slim.
...but I really needed my "fat" PS3 fixed cause of all the files I have in it.
You can backup everything but Singstar and Rock Band (& etc) tracks and transfer them to your new system if worse comes to worse. Not sure about movies, if you purchased any on PSN...
I was able to get my Singstar tracks transferred, but it was a mega pain in the ass that involved multiple calls to Sony, and me faxing the receipt of my new PS3 to them.
Yep, im hoping Konami does that as well with an updated MGS.
True but some save files are locked in the system itself & I'm a bit of a trophy whore so you know...![]()
Oh yeah, forgot about the save file thing. That's mostly Capcom, right? Or are there more now?
Do you have to get 100% complete in a game to get a platinum trophy?
It depends because some games have DLC (downloadable content) which adds up to it. But some games like the 1st Uncharted, you'll only need to get 100% for it.
I need to get it out of my mind that I need the game the day it comes out. Heck if you wait even a few weeks you can save about $20, especially online. I bought Black Ops for $60 the day it came out, one month later..it's $40 online.
You pay more to play it before other people...that's how it goes. I always try to get a deal on games, at least gift cards or something towards another game. I only preorder if there is some pay off for me.
Do you have to get 100% complete in a game to get a platinum trophy?
I am still fussing for the 50 kills without dying. I had 33 just now, and same as last night, died in the same spot on a falling ledge. I jumped, he just didn't. Grrrr. So I am replaying. yay
Hey guys (and girls), first time i ventured into this thread but needed some advice and hoping someone might be to help me out. I just changed my ps3's hard drive for a much, much bigger one. All seemed fine. Awesome. However, all of a sudden, when i turn my ps3 on it says "could not start, correct hard drive was not found". I switched it off and back on and its fine. But now it takes two attempts to switch it on, first getting that message, then having to try again and it comes on.
Has anyone experienced this or know what it could be or how to remedy it?
Thanks in advance.