Playstation 3 Thread

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Yeah lol it looks like the disc has some minor scratches. So I'm crossing my fingers that is all it is. It hasn't done it with any other games, and yes my ps3 is the fat version. Hehe thank you all for the help! :wave
Where'd you get it fixed?? I'm afraid mine is close to knocking on death's door. Just curious if it would be cheaper to fix it or just buy a slim.

I had it fixed at this place that Bestbuy recommended. It cost me about $120 Canadian since I'm in Canada. I'll get back at you regarding the price comparison (Or someone might have already answered that) but I really needed my "fat" PS3 fixed cause of all the files I have in it.
...but I really needed my "fat" PS3 fixed cause of all the files I have in it.

You can backup everything but Singstar and Rock Band (& etc) tracks and transfer them to your new system if worse comes to worse. Not sure about movies, if you purchased any on PSN...

I was able to get my Singstar tracks transferred, but it was a mega pain in the ass that involved multiple calls to Sony, and me faxing the receipt of my new PS3 to them.
You can backup everything but Singstar and Rock Band (& etc) tracks and transfer them to your new system if worse comes to worse. Not sure about movies, if you purchased any on PSN...

I was able to get my Singstar tracks transferred, but it was a mega pain in the ass that involved multiple calls to Sony, and me faxing the receipt of my new PS3 to them.

True but some save files are locked in the system itself & I'm a bit of a trophy whore so you know... :monkey4:panic::monkey3
I don't care about the trophies and what not, but I have everything else backed up. I'm just worried that if it dies I'll get stuck having to buy a PS3 slim (buying another used one is an option, but I don't really want to buy used) AND a PS2 because I still play games on it (Metal Gear Solid series). Hopefully Sony/Konami will announce a sweet new MGS HD boxset with trophy support to make everyone happy.
It depends because some games have DLC (downloadable content) which adds up to it. But some games like the 1st Uncharted, you'll only need to get 100% for it.

Yeah, well..I am at 60something percent with number 1. I've beat it 3 times now. twice on normal and once on hard. But when I look at the list, i have a lot of trophies still to get. I am trying to figure out how to actually get them. Edit...I am looking at the list now.
I need to get it out of my mind that I need the game the day it comes out. Heck if you wait even a few weeks you can save about $20, especially online. I bought Black Ops for $60 the day it came out, one month's $40 online.

You pay more to play it before other people...that's how it goes. I always try to get a deal on games, at least gift cards or something towards another game. I only preorder if there is some pay off for me.

if you kept your receipt you could have recovered that 20 bucks
I am still fussing for the 50 kills without dying. I had 33 just now, and same as last night, died in the same spot on a falling ledge. I jumped, he just didn't. Grrrr. So I am replaying. yay
I am still fussing for the 50 kills without dying. I had 33 just now, and same as last night, died in the same spot on a falling ledge. I jumped, he just didn't. Grrrr. So I am replaying. yay

If you want a quick way of getting that trophy then load up Chapter 19 and throw the two switches in the generator room to make all the Spanish Gollum's come out, then just stay there blasting away until you kill 50 of them. They keep re-spawning until you leave the room. :wink1:
Actually, I must have already gotten this. I killed well over 50 without dying, and nothing happened.
Hey guys (and girls), first time i ventured into this thread but needed some advice and hoping someone might be to help me out. I just changed my ps3's hard drive for a much, much bigger one. All seemed fine. Awesome. However, all of a sudden, when i turn my ps3 on it says "could not start, correct hard drive was not found". I switched it off and back on and its fine. But now it takes two attempts to switch it on, first getting that message, then having to try again and it comes on.

Has anyone experienced this or know what it could be or how to remedy it?
Thanks in advance.
Hey guys (and girls), first time i ventured into this thread but needed some advice and hoping someone might be to help me out. I just changed my ps3's hard drive for a much, much bigger one. All seemed fine. Awesome. However, all of a sudden, when i turn my ps3 on it says "could not start, correct hard drive was not found". I switched it off and back on and its fine. But now it takes two attempts to switch it on, first getting that message, then having to try again and it comes on.

Has anyone experienced this or know what it could be or how to remedy it?
Thanks in advance.

Hmm weird. Try this...

1. turn off system completely (this means the switch on the back)
2. hold touch sensitive reset button down till you hear 3 beeps, than let go.
3. hold down touch sensitive reset button until you hear 2 beeps and a double beep.
4. follow on screen directions, choose what option you want (i pick 3, it
seems to work the best)
5. follow on screen directions

Then immediately format your harddrive. It may work, but I'm not sure.

Also you can try taking it out and putting it back in again.