PS4 1 million in just 2 countries
X1 1 million took 13 countries
That's a lame comparison because Xbox have sold out. You can't sell more than what your made.
But why do people keep bringing this sort of stuff up for, I can't understand it? Are they kids?
If your really a gamer you will want both consoles to be a success. Competition is vital. If one stopped producing well straight away we would be looking at a digital only console.
But why be a Fanboy, what are getting out of being loyal to a brand?
Is it that you can old afford one console & are just trying to justify it by hating the other?
Your actually in love with the brand & would feel like your cheating if you bought another console?
Me personally I've been gaming for years & I've never felt any loyalty to any one. When ms announced there DRM I dropped my PO but only opened it up again once they did away with it. If it was Sony I would of done the same thing.
If I only owned one of these consoles I would be pissed in having to miss out on any of the exclusives like Titanfall, Drakes, Forza, Killzone etc