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talk about that ripoff of a system in the ripoff system area please. for those of you who dont know the name its actually says XBOX ONE. i guess i have to report people. its only fair cause i have nothing better to do thanks for your understanding. we cannot change the continuity of this thread. thats how i got reported in the first place. i believe that if we werent talking about xbox in a ps4 thread this wouldnt have happened. we cant have diehard xbox fanboys coming in and changing the love in here. who cares where the $10 went. discuss it in your own area. if you want to douche up the thread go to the xbox vs. ps4 thread. you can sissy pants all you want in there.
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It's always been incredibly lame that you have to have a gold membership to use Netflix. I doubt anyone would buy gold just to watch Netflix since there's so many other ways to get it, but it's so cheap to not make it available to everyone.
I was bummed at ebay a couple of weeks ago. They emailed me a deal for xbox gold 12 month for $20 but when I woke up to see the email it was over
talk about that ripoff of a system in the ripoff system area please. for those of you who dont know the name its actually says XBOX ONE. i guess i have to report people. its only fair cause i have nothing better to do thanks for your understanding. we cannot change the continuity of this thread. thats how i got reported in the first place. i believe that if we werent talking about xbox in a ps4 thread this wouldnt have happened. we cant have diehard xbox fanboys coming in and changing the love in here. who cares where the $10 went. discuss it in your own area. if you want to douche up the thread go to the xbox vs. ps4 thread. you can sissy pants all you want in there.

It's probably my fault for bringing up the PS+ thing but the only point I was trying to make is, dont be a hypocrite. If something was stupid when the other guy was doing it stand up a critisize your own guy for doing the same thing. Be objective, doesn't mean you don't still love your own guy. Unless you just want to troll which is fun sometimes as well. :lol
I get PS+ for the games so if they want to throw the online in too thats fine with me because I was getting it either way.
I just got a vita recently and I picked up PS+ for the first time. Mainly because it had Blazblue for free for the vita so it was a no brainer. Now this week they added the sequel to 999 which I was planning on buying:yess:. So that saved me around 60 bucks.
I got a free subscription for Playstation Plus for a month, but I'm keeping it after the trial expires. I love all of the free games and discounts. I'm having a blast with Saint's Row The Third right now (which was a free download from PS Plus). It's probably the most over-the-top, perverted game that I've played in my life :lol.
As for the Xbox live cost, if you look around, the subscription cards can often be found for $30.

Got my last two for $30 each, so no one tell me Live is crazy expensive (if you take the time and look)
Wish they'd been given an actual functioning PS4; I'm curious how loud/quiet it's going to be, how long it takes to power on, etc.
Hey MS....

Today, Sony revealed that – in the first year of the PS+ Instant Game Collection – 64 individual games were offered free of charge to subscribers.

The free games offered through the first year are as follows:
Anomaly Warzone Earth (PSN)
BioShock 2 (PS3)
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (PS Vita)
BloodRayne Betrayal (PSN)
Borderlands (PS3)
Choplifter HD (PSN)
Chronovolt (PS Vita)
Closure (PSN)
Darksiders (PS3)
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
Double Dragon Neon (PSN)
Dungeon Defenders (PSN)
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP)
Foosball 2012 (PSN/PS Vita)
Germinator (PS Vita)
Gotham City Imposters (PSN)
Gravity Rush (PS Vita)
Guardians of Middle-Earth (PSN)
Hard Corps: Uprising (PSN)
Infamous 2 (PS3)
Jet Set Radio (PSN)
Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PSN)
Just Cause 2 (PS3)
King of Fighters XIII (PS3)
Knytt Underground (PSN/PS Vita)
Labyrinth Legends (PSN)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (PSN)
LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)
Malicious (PSN)
Mega Man 9 (PSN)
Mega Man 10 (PSN)
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP)
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition (PSN)
NFL Blitz (PSN)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (PS Vita)
Outland (PSN)
Pac-Man CE DX (PSN)
PayDay: The Heist (PSN)
Pinball Arcade (PSN/PS Vita)
Plants vs. Zombies (PS Vita)
Quantum Conundrum (PSN)
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (PS3)
Renegade Ops (PSN)
Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
Retro City Rampage (PSN/PS Vita)
Rochard (PSN)
Saints Row 2 (PS3)
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game (PSN)
Sideway: New York (PSN)
Sleeping Dogs (PS3)
Spec Ops: The Line (PS3)
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3)
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (PS Vita)
The Cave (PSN)
The Walking Dead: The Game (PSN)
Tekken 6 (PSP)
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (PS Vita)
Vanquish (PS3)
Virtual Fighter 5: Final Showdown (PSN)
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine (PS3)
WipeOut 2048 (PSN/PS Vita)
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone (PSN)
Zombie Tycoon II: Brainhov’s Revenge (PSN/PS Vita)
By our math, the Instant Game Collection over the last year has provided subscribers with $1,043 in free games, more than 20 times the cost of a subscription for that year. Pretty impressive.
Which free games did you download? Or did you download ‘em all?
Hard to argue with that list. While you're just borrowing/renting these
games, it's a great feature to have. It's like a gaming version of Netflix.

Battlefield 4 is the most pre-ordered next-gen game

BF4 tops the pre-order charts for next gen systems -- the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Battlefield 4 is currently the most pre-ordered PlayStation 4 and Xbox One game. It’s outselling not only its main rival, Call of Duty Ghosts, but also the first party launch titles from Sony and Microsoft.
According to the latest pre-order charts from VGChartz, Battlefield 4 is pre-ordered more than the PS4 launch titles such as Killzone Shadow Fall, and Microsoft titles such as Forza Motorsport 5. Suffice to say, there is huge anticipation around Battlefield 4 at this point.
Thanks to a successful E3, pre-orders have rocketed at GameStop and Amazon. The success was so great at Amazon, that they chose to bundle Battlefield 4 with some of the PlayStation 4 pre-orders.
Battlefield will launch on October 29, and pre-orders have been available for months now. A special Deluxe version includes access to the Battlefield 4 beta, which will also be available to all BF3 Premium members. BF4′s main rival this Fall, Call of Duty Ghosts, launches just a week later, so competition will be immense, just as it was in 2011 between BF3 and Modern Warfare 3.
Have you pre-ordered Battlefield 4 yet? What was your deciding factor in pre-ordering? Let us know in the comments section!
Impressive. I wonder how long next gen BF buyers will have to wait after the release before getting their hands on their copies.