Super Freak
Played a bit with youtube app earlier, watched the hobbit cartoon with no issues, seems to run really smoothly. Off to bookmark the duck song for my kids now.
Bumping this thread to the top. Go to the game deals thread to see Mortal Kombat on sale today:
IMO this is what the Vita has been waiting for. If Sony can start pumping out more games of this quality on a regular basis they will unquestionably kill the 3DS.
Killzone: Mercenary is contracted to take out North America on September 17, and Europe on September 18. The sci-fi shooter series' first Vita entry gets a new trailer as payment, along with some screens to sweeten the deal.
Mercenary's single-player campaign includes nine missions, each nearly an hour long according to Guerilla Games producer Poria Torkan, while its multiplayer features six maps for up to eight players, with three different modes to choose from.