The amount of people fumbling around public areas because of this game is alarming.
It's pretty funny and a little scary. The high school students around us (we live a few blocks away from a high school) are driving to different Pokestops and you can see the passengers playing and sometimes the drivers too. It's weird how many people have been hit by cars, hit things with their cars, strange accidents.
What do you expect from hardcore nerds?
There are a lot more of them than anyone previously thought, news anchors are interrupting weather reports because there are Pokemon nearby
I was in the grocery store yesterday, with my phone out, tapping things off my grocery list, and when I started to look around, I saw a number of other people all with their phones out. I can only assume they were hunting Pokemons. I don't want people to think I'm a nerd or something. Please help.
Resistance is futile, Lol. Our Trader Joes has 3 Pokestops in it and the employees were saying that a lot of time on breaks, their co-workers are wandering around the store. It was hilarious to have a conversation with the younger one bagging our groceries and the older one completely confused and almost weirded out.
So down servers are a normal thing?
Yeah, the company never expected this and can't keep up with demand.
The little blue things are Pokestops. You go there and swipe the screen to get free items like pokeballs.
As you level up you get more things, plus people can place "lures" on them which causes like pink "rose buds" flying around it. If a lure is being used it attracts wild Pokemon and even rarer Pokemon if someone is there with higher trainer levels and you can just be there and get them. Last night my wife and I took our kids for a walk and someone used a lure and there were 30 people suddenly around of all ages, laughing and playing. It was surreal.
I ****ing love it. Been seeing people walking around, apparently in downtown we had a huge amount of revenue in the past few days from people shopping and stuff due to massive exposure from pokemon. I've seen all types of people being cool and hanging out. I don't understand the hate, it's not like it is affecting anyone.
Backlash from it being so popular. Apparently an article came out that said McDonalds references were found in the code, similar to what the company did with their other game by taking sponsors to integrate into it. So apparently all McDonalds will become gyms and offer unique items in hopes that you'll buy while you are there. If you think people are sick of it now, wait until people are milling around McDonalds and other companies that will surely hitch to this wagon.
What's with the circle when trying to catch a Pokemon. Does your chances get better as the circle gets smaller?
Yes. The smaller the circle the less chance it will try to escape. The yellow ones are medium and the red ones are the strongest and hardest. Once you hit level 8, then you can garner "razz berries" at Pokestops which you can use when trying to catch them and it will calm them down. They are suggested for red and yellow circled Pokemon.