When did you buy it? I checked Sold listing on eBay and didn?t see any sale completed at $250.back in stock on Ebay at a decent price. Got it for $250
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When did you buy it? I checked Sold listing on eBay and didn?t see any sale completed at $250.back in stock on Ebay at a decent price. Got it for $250
I instantly assumed it was from that seller because many of the prices seem too good to be true. I stopped trusting sc store a little while ago so let me know if that order works out for you. I think you’re safer with in-stock items but eBay POs are a big no no for me now.I made a 215 pounds offer this morning and the seller accepted it
I would try this one now with a low offer
Or just wait for other sellers to put some back in stock, just wanted to say it is time to be on alert for this guy
Ebay? Or these boards?
A huge thank you to Star Puffs for giving me a good deal on this guy. I'm really impressed with Pop Toys' clothing and attention to detail on him. The sculpt is pretty nice too. I don't always see Cruise in it, but for the majority of the time I do, especially in side profile shots. I'll definitely be getting his hair and beard done and I think that will help immensely. A semi-quick shot that I did after fussing and trimming his hair for a while.
So Pop Toys just posted some new shots of Katsumoto?s armor but they also just shared a video of another figure on their page....Hiroyuki Sanada?s Ujio!