your repaints are masterful!!
I know you've prob said this about 30 times, and I'm sure I've heard once before, but do you use oils or acrylics?
I'd assume acrylics and pastels but your obi-wan had really nice tone transitions, which seems to be almost impossible to accomplish with acrylics!
the one in the middle.
TO avoid brushstrokes on full painting
thin your straight brush
on a flat surface, like a piece of cardboard.
and so the brush is straight and fine.
then apply coat after coat.
the first 5 coats will look weird, and transparent. but after 10 coats, it'll look clean and consistent.
and Customikey:
Just a little thing I caught, was that Anakin's eyes(not the sith one) are actually more "lazy"
as in, you only see about 3/5 of the eye.
I wonder if that'd help