Premium Format Power Girl Premium Format Figure

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Definitely... and boy, your PO list is huolly. So many mate. =)

:lol I know. My PO list is getting ridiculous--I wish I could say that it has all them but there are a few more I didn't add. Though a couple wouldn't still be on there if they hadn't gotten delayed. If everything stays the way it is now there will probably be 6 or 7 gone by the end of the year.
They changed the description of the Ex from "wind swept" to "power-up" lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
:lol I know. My PO list is getting ridiculous--I wish I could say that it has all them but there are a few more I didn't add. Though a couple wouldn't still be on there if they hadn't gotten delayed. If everything stays the way it is now there will probably be 6 or 7 gone by the end of the year.

:thud: Amazing.... I've seen the HT Marty and GOTG, real real nice stuff

The world needs it. I had a total crush on her back when I was a kid, I'm not afraid to admit it in the slightest.:lol

Her and Bulma. I don't care, I am proud! And pink ranger :drool

Along with some Android 18, in her blue jean jacket/skirt outfit. :monkey5
All of them and Bulma's mom :) and Chi Chi when she was younger

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon