Pray for my Mom...

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Glad to hear pretty much everything is good. Sucks about a second surgery but ifs it needed its needed.
I'm glad to hear the positive news. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your Mom.

Other than you being ugly, I don't think any amount of praying can help that. ;) :D
Ill glad to hear your mom is doing better. Will continue to keep my my prayers going her way.
So happy to hear the good news Israel!! Yeah!! And I'm sure the next surgery will also be a success!!!

Hey, when did p r a y e r s become a bad word???!?!?!!
I am glad that the surgery went well, Israel. That is wonderful. As for the next needed surgery, I am sure it will be successful just like this one has. Continued pr****s and thoughts coming your way!
Great news Israel! Im glad she made through the surgery!! Im sure that from this point on everything will be easy as pie!
Your in my thoughts and pr****s
It's been a while since my last update, but I just wanted to let you all knw that my mom is doing very well. She had her leg surgery on Monday and was struggling a bit the first couple of days, but has improved everyday since. She is still on the hospital as there was a lsight infection in her wound but I think they will be letting her go really soon, maybe tomorrow!

Thanks again to all of you who sent out your thoughts and prayers, you guys have been awesome. :)
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