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Man I am loving this show. Preacher is my favorite comic book of all time and I am sooooooooo ok with the changes they have made because they are replacing the original narrative with actual substantive writing. The Walking Dead could learn a thing or two. Maybe TWD wouldn't have replaced the serial killer subplot during the prison arc with a bull #$% flu if Preacher was produced first. Lol.

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Got more weird last night.Odin reveals his transformation to the good side was a sham.Cassidy lights himself up in protest to Jesse sending Eugene to you know where.Emily is now totally bewildered by Jesse.Flashbacks of Tulip and Jesse as children.Looks like the lynch mob is coming next week.Crazy show.
I like how he kept talking to it. :lol

Yeah' that whole scene was pretty much outside the envelope.

love how the Angels pretty much give up when they realize Genesis was not going to be canned anymore.Hope Jesse was right, that God chose him.

Only 2 episodes left.
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Man, **** Tulip...
Down boy!

At least she gave him an awesome last day. You could tell that what she had to do was killing her inside.

Eh, they were surrounded by live-stock. She could've gotten Cass something else to eat. This show sure has a knack for graphically killing animals. The Cow in Ep. 1, the Cow in Odin's flashback the dog (yeah, I know, no image, but the sound...).
Eh, they were surrounded by live-stock. She could've gotten Cass something else to eat. This show sure has a knack for graphically killing animals. The Cow in Ep. 1, the Cow in Odin's flashback the dog (yeah, I know, no image, but the sound...).

I'd have to imagine that getting a dog into her car would be a ton easier and inconspicuous than a calf.
I'd have to imagine that getting a dog into her car would be a ton easier and inconspicuous than a calf.

Eh, it's a town populated by ****bags, and it's located in the middle of nowhere. I imagine she could steal a random farm animal or something. Or hell, just feed him one of the local ****bags. I mean, both of them are willing to kill, so why not just go for a local gang member or something? I get the whole meaning of the scne (she cares about Cass so much that she's willing to serve him a dog), but it was a scene purely filmed for shock. Granted, the comic was bat**** crazy and a whole lot more violent as well, but come on, killing doggies in cold blood is pushing it too far...