If the proto of this dio looks as good as the finished product, this will be one of SSC best yet!! I am thinking of getting a regular right now to sell.
It will look as good. Just look at the Alien dioramas released so far, or the Anakin vs. Obi-Wan. I didn't believe they could pull off the paintjob on those, but they certainly did.
Understandable, I just think given it's pose, could look badass roaring. Like I said though, it may not be my choice for the desing of the face, but the executon is fantastic, couldn't ask for better in this scale.
I don't care if the mandibles are open on this. He's up in a tree, looking like he's getting ready to jump. He looks to me like he's in hunter mode, so the closed mandible look fits the pose better, imo. They did a great job with his facial markings, too. I think he looks great just as he is.