Predators - 1/6th scale Classic Predator Collectible Figure

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I just saw the pics. this is so disapointing. is HT going down or what is going on?
Well, I guess the simple truth is that Tankman is an Alien and Predator fanboy above anything else, so he's pretty much as OC as the most hardcore fan and sculpts the creatures to the absolute best of his abilities.
I don't doubt Tsang's ability as a sculptor, he makes beautifully detailed sculpts, but I do doubt his commitment to the accuracy of his sculpts. That, coupled with how research, work and time consuming it must be to try to be as faithful as possible to the originals with all their minute detail (and how much it costs to have a sculptor toiling away at one of these sculpts) just means that HT will not deliver that "ultimate" figure we all dream of.

So yeah, HT should hire Tankman to do all their preds and aliens!
And I'd be one very broke but very happy camper.

Exactly, The Predator/Alien takes more skill, effort, and care to sculpt accurately..and that's why Tankman kicks ass at it. Because he's a huge fan who most likely watches the movies very often, has saved images of the creatures..and the fact that they fasinate him means his mind will naturally pay more attention to the details of the creatures than those who don't care as much or them.
Tsang, does he sculpt HT's Human sculpts? Because they have INCREDIBLE accuracy, the new Jack Sparrow for example.. It has got to be without a doubt the most accurate figure I have ever seen.

It's just naturally more difficult to memorize details of the creatures, than it is for Humans... So if you're going to sculpt them, you need to spend EXTRA time and care doing it, because it's going to be more difficult. When I decide I'm going to try somthing new, I usually try to do it as best as possible..and if I can go further, I will most likely try to reach that level. I would think he'd feel the same way..but maybe not. Or maybe he just can't make them more accurate than that..and if that's true, they need to let him do what he's good at and hire someone else who can accurately sculpt the things he can't.

your arguments show that in general you do not understand these things, but it's forgivable, because you are the consumers. that is, you say is true, but you are too exaggerating :dunno
your arguments show that in general you do not understand these things, but it's forgivable, because you are the consumers. that is, you say is true, but you are too exaggerating :dunno

So what you're saying is... Tsang is better than Tankman? :dunno
your arguments show that in general you do not understand these things, but it's forgivable, because you are the consumers. that is, you say is true, but you are too exaggerating :dunno

You're sooooo cute little trollin' person :1-1:
that puzzyface got serious fungal infection going on. lolz

those shots are a bit edited anyway, wait for more inhand pics before pressing the panic mode.

at least the height is still inaccurate, in a good way...we can call the super preds shorty now.
that puzzyface got serious fungal infection going on. lolz

those shots are a bit edited anyway, wait for more inhand pics before pressing the panic mode.

at least the height is still inaccurate, in a good way...we can call the super preds shorty now.

Well you are right for sure, but I am panicking a bit because I preordered this last month. I have not seen these out on sell on ebay yet. Quite strange.
IMO, the yellow paint for the face ended up in his eyes instead.
this pred had serious drinking problems, an enlarged liver/cirrhotic liver, and jaundiced eyes. lolz
That's what we deserve.
Hey freaks, be calm! :gah: Like I said, my friend in China just called Toy Hunter immediately after seeing those circulating pics of suppose-to-be released Classic Pred since he PO'd it @ Ani-Com but they said to him that this figure won't be released until Q1 next year and when he asked about these circulating pics in the net, they refused to comment about it so some of us are assuming that this or these figures are just in a early stage of pre-production & probably someone bought it already @ the factory. :lecture
Hey freaks, be calm! :gah: Like I said, my friend in China just called Toy Hunter immediately after seeing those circulating pics of suppose-to-be released Classic Pred since he PO'd it @ Ani-Com but they said to him that this figure won't be released until Q1 next year and when he asked about these circulating pics in the net, they refused to comment about it so some of us are assuming that this or these figures are just in a early stage of pre-production & probably someone bought it already @ the factory. :lecture

No, they had some for sale for some grand opening of a toy store in Taiwan.
I prefer the new eyes/visor. I like the mesh.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Original P1 had it under the lenses so it's only about two things:
1) mesh thickness and square distance;
2) lack of lenses

It's funny coz their old P2 figure have it all right (although the lenses were too thick) :slap:lol

To me for the mask it looks like they just made the mold from a modified P1 figure mask, and not the prototype.

The final product looks like Shxt...
There got huge different between final product and sample! Not slightly! Especially the head paint and eyes paint.

What's wrong with you? Hot toys?
If the final release still like this then i am thinking not to support Hot Toys anymore...everytimes made me disappointed!

I don't care about the new predator skull or the LED light-up function...
All i care is the movie accurate, why every Hot Toys' predator always lack of movie accuracy?
Damn Hot Toys...
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