Predators - 1/6th scale Classic Predator Collectible Figure

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I liked the pics of the proto...the colors seemed warmer...slightly more earth toned...the new pics, even if the flash was used, definitely lost those tones. Also the seam at the mandibles is horrendous but may e it needs some futzing. Also the black dots on the head have completely changed not only in size but the amount used...I still like it and probably won't cancel the me it's still a predator.. The hologram looks amazing, but I'd be lying to say I'm thrilled at what looks like the production vs the proto, especially since the production pieces of Sparrow and Supes are amazing.
No, they had some for sale for some grand opening of a toy store in Taiwan.

Oh really? I'm not aware that there's an early release of this figure. Sorry. Then if that's the case, I just hope that they could still improved on it when this figure be release for the mass market. :monkey1
:lecture :lecture :lecture

Original P1 had it under the lenses
in 1 or 2 shots, and not under but instead of. all the rest - black glasses.
but you will have the fly eyes and have to learn to deal with it. you bought this crap :)
Occupy Hot toys !!!! Occupy Hot toys !!! We want a accurate Predator !! No more lies and greed hot toys !! Give us folks the predator we worked so hard for !! Not this crap . Occupy hot toys !!!!!!!!!

No matter how much anyone complains about this figure Hot Toys will still get everyones money for this. Preds always sell well so I don't think the issues that are important to us like accuracy are as important to them.

I'll complain all day about this guy but I'll still be owning him.
Mr. Black was the last figure I bought, I wanted Falconer so bad but didn't like the skin colors they went with..that prototype was absolutely beautiful though.

I was very excited for Tracker and PO'd him, but cancelled later..Saw Snake and liked him, but had oddly kinda just lost interest at that point..

It's funny, a year ago I was at Petco looking for base display material for them. Now I've sold off all 4 of my HT Preds.
Going to sell my Mr. Black within the next few months.

I was considering purchasing Classic in hopes that HT would use that opportunity to go the accurate route, but nah... to answer your question, :lol, my interest began fading around May of this year, Falconer/Tracker time.
I was considering purchasing Classic in hopes that HT would use that opportunity to go the accurate route, but nah... to answer your question, :lol, my interest began fading around May of this year, Falconer/Tracker time.

I think we all hoped that.:lol

I still think you missed out not getting Tracker IMO.
I still think you missed out not getting Tracker IMO.
Nah, i think Tracker is the most boring of the Trio. Sure he comes with the Hound and he has a different look to him. But it's just so boring! Id go as far as to say it is the least favourite Predator i have ever owned and i have had every Predator bar Celtic and Ancient.

There is only a hand full of must have Predator figures and "IMO" they are ("for now" using the term loosely incase there is re-makes)

AVP - Scar
Predator 2 1st release
P2 Elder
AVP Elder

I would love to group P1 in there but there is as many nit pics to be had as there is to praise it. Of course i would like to Add Classic to that list but i would need to have it in hand to judge it.


All wrote above is opinion of poster and not to be taken as fact

I personally think the AvP figures were the best to be honest.

I love Machiko, but not the figure. If I were going to purchase a Machiko figure I'd have to have it custom made to my..likings.
Machiko is an easy 8-10/10 figure

Packed with gadgets, great base, awesome headsculpt and paintwork. And the fact she isn't meant to be anybody in particular you don't look at her objectively and try to compair her to the movie or anything.

... I miss my Machiko :(
Machiko is an easy 8-10/10 figure

Packed with gadgets, great base, awesome headsculpt and paintwork. And the fact she isn't meant to be anybody in particular you don't look at her objectively and try to compair her to the movie or anything.

... I miss my Machiko :(

Machiko rules! It's one of my favorite figures, I'm glad I have it :) .