Re: [iminime] The Deadly Vipers - The Angry Bride, The Yakuza Queen

And GoGo? Would love to display kiddo with GoGo on the shelf

And GoGo? Would love to display kiddo with GoGo on the shelf
'll buy thru Cinema Scale because it looks like Omar lost out on a few orders that should have went his way, and for the most part I like his involvement thus far. A more user friendly and jazzier looking site is awesome and better pics are appreciated. Also, I think that the load of everything on Denny's plate plus having to handle with the fan base on the Freaks was wearing Denny thin. I know first-hand because he got pretty pissed at me over what was for the most part a misunderstanding; so the way Wake severs as a buffer between us and Denny can be a very positive thing and help convey the collective messages in a positive way. I’m going with the flow this time but all of that said, if Cinema Scale's involvement has anything to do with price hikes on accessory light sets... then I'd prefer things the way they were. Not trying to start a mess or offend anyone, just speaking from the heart
All caught up.
I hate to be the only stick in the mud but it seems that I'm the only one that's confused with the price hike on a set that includes less than usual. I get the modded bods, and the magnet system but doesn't the lack of accessories and the fact that the one and only accessory is resin balance all of them out??? We've got sets with more FANTASTIC accessories (including real metal) and equally great outfits at the $390 price point (in Bateman's case, less) before this; currently Spok's set is up for $390 and has a great outfit and accessory spread as well.
IMO I think that each package is slightly overpriced (the biker set most of all) when you compare apples to apples with the prior Iminime releases. And this can't even remotely be compared to the Bickle DFS; these sets are two different animals all together. That set includes a slew of creme de la creme accessories, all super accurate and none of which are compromised whatsoever; all top shelf bits including the outfits.
Anyway, I'm just speaking my mind as a longtime client of Iminime and getting my thoughts off my chest. Despite not really liking the price hike and accessory cut situation.... I'm still buying these but I feel that I should air my thoughts as an avid collector and supporter.
I'll buy thru Cinema Scale because it looks like Omar lost out on a few orders that should have went his way, and for the most part I like his involvement thus far. A more user friendly and jazzier looking site is awesome and better pics are appreciated. Also, I think that the load of everything on Denny's plate plus having to handle with the fan base on the Freaks was wearing Denny thin. I know first-hand because he got pretty pissed at me over what was for the most part a misunderstanding; so the way Wake severs as a buffer between us and Denny can be a very positive thing and help convey the collective messages in a positive way. I’m going with the flow this time but all of that said, if Cinema Scale's involvement has anything to do with price hikes on accessory light sets... then I'd prefer things the way they were. Not trying to start a mess or offend anyone, just speaking from the heart![]()
Are why people like Denny get offended. You can't call someone a ****ing ***hole and then be like 'hey no offense!" On top of the fact that your comment smacks of entitlement. You PREFER?! LOL. Its not up to what you prefer.... sheeesh.
Actually its completely upto him what he 'prefers' its just nlt up to him what actually happens![]()
Thats what i meant!![]()
Hey Mike,
I'm just want to offer a quick point or two in rebuttal...
Firstly I've been privy to quite a few things since my concrete involvement with Denny including a better understanding of profit margins and costs. The TWD sets, as popular as they were, actually LOST money. It wasn't a huge financial failure but the project served only to keep the staff busy and paid with no additional profits and gains. It's seems a little naive of you to think that the prices for Iminime projects would remain the same forever especially considering that the prices of the entire hobby go up by about 20-25% yearly. In hot toys case almost 100% increases have been the norm over the course of three years is so (look at the price if Igor iron man in comparison to the list price of iron monger when it was released). Furthermore to insinuate that the price increases are due to cinemascale a involvement is a reach. However lets put it into perspective... Better product photos? That costs money. And if you think all it entails is pointing a camera you are wrong. Better website? Better customer service? Do you think these things are free? What about 3D printed accessories? What about ridding the product for those terrible shoes?
You want to compare Rainman's accessory quality that's fine but rainman also charged a lot more for his sets. Last I checked you don't get three full figures with accessories for less than $1200 with Lee. And if what you want is form iminimes to reach Lees level then u should applaud the increase in price and the dedication to improve.
The fact is the decision on wether or not Iminime raises the price does not sit with you. It's not a question of what you'd rather Iminime charge. The market bears it. And based on the sales for these sets I can tell you that most see the outstanding value and craftsmanship.
and btw comments like this:
Are why people like Denny get offended. You can't call someone a ****ing ***hole and then be like 'hey no offense!" On top of the fact that your comment smacks of entitlement. You PREFER?! LOL. Its not up to what you prefer.... sheeesh.
I know that it has been posted that they were working on a wigged sculpt. Is this still going to be released? Will this be in place of the sculpted hair or sold separately?
thanks for the 411 on the fig!
Sorry Omar. I'll let this rest because I don't want it to turn into an ongoing public convo. I have my thoughts but it's better that we discuss via PM. My problem is I have to learn how to shut up. I say publically what others are thinking and I end up being the bad guy.
Denny is working on a haired sculpt. No time table as of now. It will be offered as an upgrade to the sets if successful. But its a tricky proposition to make it look good and Denny wont release something hes not satisfied with.
If people are saying it then i prefer you not speak for them and let them speak for themselves. Im not privy to private conversations you have with other members... so I cant know whats being said.
The fact is you are complaining about a 10% price increase and furthermore BLAMING me for it! That's not fair. It's also not fair for you to put out irrational and false statements out there and then claim that you are speaking for the masses.
I for one cannot sit idly by without defending Denny's position. I wont allow it. He's been too good a guy (not just to me) but to all of the collectors on this thread. He felt persecuted and unappreciated. Enought to bow out of these forums. SO YOU TELL ME WHO'S IN THE WRONG? Believe me though, im not going anywhere.
Can we go back about how freaking awesome these figures are? I honestly can't wait to get them.