Presidential Debate McCain vs Obama Round 2

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The real low points were when McCain tried to make jokes. Really they all fell flat. All in all I think Healthcare and Pakistan were the two highlights of the night.
pretty even IMHO, though I am getting pretty tired of hearing "my friends", it just sounds like a con.

I was joking with my folks about him saying this like every five seconds. I don't believe he means it at all and I'd rather him just get to the point than keep interjecting that nonsense.
Brokaw was awful, but what was with the jab McCain made at him? Was that supposed to be a joke?
I wish someone would've pointed out how risky proposed McCain's Mortgage Buy-out plan would be and that Obama's Universal Healthcare plan would likely bankrupt the economy.

These "debates" are joke. They're just stump speeches with window-dressing.
yeah im just ready for obama to win already..but i wont help put him in office

and all i got to say i better get my money from him! unlike i did from bush! haha is it sad that..that is the only reason why i want him in office?? lol
I wish someone would've pointed out how risky proposed McCain's Mortgage Buy-out plan would be and that Obama's Universal Healthcare plan would likely bankrupt the economy.

These "debates" are joke. They're just stump speeches with window-dressing.

Agreed. It's really amazing that the two candidates take the majority of their supporters to be complete morons and the number of people that can't sift through the bull^^^^ they're spewing. If anyone believes that Obama can offer universal health care on top of all his other proposals and cut your taxes you don't need to vote this year. If someone believes that John McCain can buy all the bad mortgages for an additional $300 billion, tax employers for health care, give you a $5000 credit and not raise your taxes you don't need to vote this year.

This was a terrible debate and Brokaw scanned the questions a head of time and hand picked the worst of the lot. Each candidate answered about half of one question a piece. McCain is painful to watch and if I had to hear him say "my friends" one more time I was going to have my eyes surgically removed from being rolled so far back in my head and Obama, I just don't get it. He's like Jose Louis Miranda. How are people head over heals for this phony?
I have problems with both candidates. Of course, I live in California, so Obama is taking our electoral votes with or without my support.
I just can't wait for this all to be over. It seems to bring out the worst in so many people.

On the up side, it does clue you into who's an a-hole. :lol

j/k, that's the problem. hot button issues can bring out the worst.