Prime 1 Independence Day: Alien 1/1 bust

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I assume you will do the eyes, anything else?

Ha, you know it.

Chrome finish eyes
Adding some lowlights to the skin folds
Highlighting a few veins
repainting the base
possibly adding plexiglass panels to the attacker cockpit. Still testing this.
Alright, the bust is up and on display. I made a few subtle paint upgrades, but didn't have to do much. I had the eyes totally mirror chromed, but decided to knock them down a bit. You lost a little of their defined shape if you go totally mirrored. Personal preference. Popped a few vein details, darkened the base, lowlights, and added some little battle damage areas to the attacker.

Love this bust, it's displays so well. This piece has turned me to major Prime1 fan overnight.






So I cancelled mine in the end, simply as I really don't like visible seems. I ended up buying the coolprops Giger Alien which I love.

However, I've found myself still looking at this thing regularly, I still think it's amazing and I highly doubt we'll ever see another. Despite the seems which I'm hoping won't actually be too noticeable in reality, I know I'll be disappointed if I missed out on this, so I just ordered it again. Better late than never....
So I cancelled mine in the end, simply as I really don't like visible seems. I ended up buying the coolprops Giger Alien which I love.

However, I've found myself still looking at this thing regularly, I still think it's amazing and I highly doubt we'll ever see another. Despite the seems which I'm hoping won't actually be too noticeable in reality, I know I'll be disappointed if I missed out on this, so I just ordered it again. Better late than never....
I just ordered one too, with the current sale it was too good to pass up.
It's a none brainer for Americans with $70 off and free shipping. Sadly it cost me $190 to ship here. But I want it so...

Yea, with the rewards it works out to about $600 shipped. Don't think I will be able to beat that and once it sells out will probably go up.
Just had a huge box arrive at my door containing my very first Prime 1 item. Since P1 started making more items I'm interested in, I've started to buy into the hype around the company. And I'm happy to report that said hype is very well deserved! I'v had many collectibles from many different companies, I think this might be the best one I've had yet in terms of quality with only ECC coming close.

So onto the bust. In short, it's beautiful! Anybody who is a fan of ID4 needs to just buy this thing before it's gone. You won't regret it. It is definitely a piece that is difficult to photograph and indeed my pictures will not do it justice. In person it looks alive, you almost expect the hand to move. The translucent resin offers so much to the over all look and feel. The paint on it is of a higher quality than any collectible I've ever owned. It has so much going on and changes depending on the light levels. Even the base which you expect to be a simple grey has a plethora of blues and burnt metal colours in it.

There are only two critiques I can even think of. First, the eyes should definitely have been painted in chrome. They aren't bad in person tbh, they do a job. But considering the effort that clearly went into this bust, the chrome eyes would have been the cherry on top. I'll give mine some soon. And second is those seems which were my biggest worry going in. They are definitely there, and definitely noticeable, but even I as somebody who hates to see them on anything can live with these. I'd rather they weren't there for sure, but they do not ruin the bust.

In short, I intended to box this back up until my games room has been decorated (eventually) But there's no way I'm hiding this away, I've moved some other pieces aside so that this can sit on my PC desk right next to me. Just buy it. We'll likely never see this character made to this standard, for this price ever again. It's a work of art, well done Prime 1.










Definitely NO PEACE.....

Congrats!Loving mine.
They should have ditched the black lines (veins?) on top of the crown though.Looks out of place (amateurish) in comparison with the rest of the superb paintjob.Sometimes less is more.Otherwise it's a phenomenal bust,I agree.
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The lines are quite subtle on mine in reality. It's such a busy colour scheme that it all just kind of blends in. They real suit has vein like patterns in the same place anyway. Can't quite make out if they're black lines or not...

I'm really happy with this. Collectibles put less and less of a smile on my face these days as prices shoot up and quality drops. This thing has given me a huge grin. Havn't enjoyed opening up a new statue so much in years.

Really happy aswell.It looks and feels like something ECC would release but then for a fraction of their pricing!
Thank you Prime 1 Studios.
Yeah, the only similar feeling product I've had is the wonderful ECC Grey alien bust. But this is leagues ahead of even that in terms of size, sculpt, paint and presence. Translucent resin is brilliant stuff for things like this. Roll on Prime 1 Alien or Predator busts...
REALLY REALLY happy for you Matt :clap:hi5:

Where are the seams? (couldn't see them from the photos).

. . . and RE quality - wish Sideshow would take note (actually - wish they had taken note about 10 years ago!)


Thanks spike, I suppose it's good that you didn't notice them really. You can see them in my images. I wouldn't say you have to go out of your way to look for them, but at the same time, the translucent resin and high gloss finish does mask them a bit. There are three, one at each elbow, and one that runs behind the lower chin/cheek area and around the back of his neck. Here's a side image where you can see two of them. Not to bash the piece at all, it's a wonderful bust, this and the choice of colour on the eyes is probably the only things I'd have changed. The rest is glorious and I love it....

Even with the butt hole chest and super-nipples this is a steal, but I have to maintain my Alien/Terminator directive. So hard to resist and probably the best bang for the buck, in years.

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