The top concept even features the Classic Predator laying down on the base. It still could've been an elaborate statue depicting two characters, but better-focused and with a more natural pose.I hate the pose they went with on that, Infinity are such a hit and miss company imo. They do make some lovely stuff however. One of their early concepts for that Berserker was him standing tall, mask on holding a trophey. That combined with the sculpt and paint that they managed would have been quite a statue! I can't fathom why they opted to make him almost falling over and with another 1/3 bust on the base that you can hardly see. This is their miss part....
EDIT: Found it.... Top images! Tell me that wouldn't have been infinitely better.... Pun intended.
Paint apps are indeed great, as they should be for this price. Nice gloss coat. And even though the dots on Classic's body aren't crisp like Prime 1's, the airbrushed aesthetic makes them more pleasing to look at. It reads like organic spotting rather than crude, messy paint splotches. And of course, Berserker is perfect. I can't imagine Prime 1 taking him on and doing as good a job.