Prime 1 - Predator - 1/3 Scale Museum Masterline MMPR-01DXS - Jungle Hunter Predator

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Why is it so short and stocky, almost like the AvP Predators? Arms, legs and torso needs to be slimmer and longer.

This seems to be a trade off taking a little from accuracy for asthetics appeal. Personally I don't mind a little more bulk and muscle, looks more heroic (although ironic as it's considered a 'villain' lol) but yeah I think some fans may be a little turned off by their art direction choice, but I love the more solid look.
He does look a bit stocky in some pictures, but that could be the lens etc at play, we need to see more.

Remember that KPH in the big suit wasn't necessarily as lean as we might remember....


This looks great! It's is an easy 2.5K. Most likely 2.5-3K range, and 2 years out. So I will have plenty of time to enjoy my 1:4 and decide if I want to swap it out for this.
Oh wow. This is gonna be mine I'd imagine. Do we know when it's up for pre order? If they could get it, I'd cancel my City hunter with Collectibles direct, lose my deposit, and put the credit towards this to then begin paying it off gradually.

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I was just looking at photos of the CM. It looks crappy and dated compared to these photos imo.

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It looks like a lot of the details are similar to the 1/4, same damaged mask etc. I wish they had tweaked that . . .

I just watched the video and I'm actually really impressed.... There's fricking fish in the water! The detail on this is quite phenomenal . . .

Looking forward to Ian (HMS) waking up to this news. It may test his decision to never deal with P1 again.
Pretty sure I said much the same until this reveal.

4 portraits we know of. This doesn't need and extra hands, it's the perfect JH.

Why is it so short and stocky, almost like the AvP Predators? Arms, legs and torso needs to be slimmer and longer.

They go to all that trouble with various amazing details, and STILL screw up the mask, and then there's the built/heft.

Way too fat and short. Sadshow put him on a diet, PRIME1 put him on McDonalds for a year.

And MAN that video - If I'd been in the room with those pompous ***** I'd be trying really hard not to slap them all in the face.

So no, this didn't exactly change my mind about PRIME1 Col :lol

The obsession begins again. Made this mock-up comparing the 1/4 Big Game and 1/3 Movie statues. We don't have the measurements for the newer piece, so I estimated based on the fact that the CM is 32" and Prime 1 will more than likely want to beat that height by a couple inches because, well, they're Prime 1.


I suppose if you commissioned a repaint for Big Game, the two would be comparable in both quality and price -- assuming the 1/3 is presentable out of the box.

They go to all that trouble with various amazing details, and STILL screw up the mask, and then there's the built/heft.

Way too fat and short. Sadshow put him on a diet, PRIME1 put him on McDonalds for a year.

And MAN that video - If I'd been in the room with those pompous ***** I'd be trying really hard not to slap them all in the face.

So no, this didn't exactly change my mind about PRIME1 Col :lol


He looks stocky from the front angle, but seems all right from the others. KPH's Predator certainly wasn't slim like the CM, so even if it's not the exact BMI, erring on the chubbier side is the more accurate way to go.

The producers and marketing guys talking up a big game (heh, heh) doesn't count for much, but I do think the artists themselves earned some of their glory. They're clearly going deep with their references. Overlaying their sculpt onto the '87 promo photos to make sure it matches? That's how it should be done and they should feel good about it. An uninvested sculptor isn't going to pour through crummy photos of rotted prop components, so I buy that these guys are invested fans. All that's left to see is if the factory does their work justice.
. . . He looks stocky from the front angle, but seems all right from the others. KPH's Predator certainly wasn't slim like the CM, so even if it's not the exact BMI, erring on the chubbier side is the more accurate way to go.

. . . I do think the artists themselves earned some of their glory. They're clearly going deep with their references. Overlaying their sculpt onto the '87 promo photos to make sure it matches? That's how it should be done and they should feel good about it. An uninvested sculptor isn't going to pour through crummy photos of rotted prop components, so I buy that these guys are invested fans . . .

Some of them might be, but they still got it wrong (we'll all have differing opinions on this as we always do).

It's amazing work, and the proportions are good for everything EXCEPT his torso. How they screwed that up while supposedly attending to so much detail is beyond me. Maybe they should have stepped back a bit and got someone with fresh eyes to critique.

Doesn't need the height extending (or the breadth slimming down) A LOT, but it DOES need it as it makes him look like those dumpy kids that couldn't climb ropes in gym-class.

Real shame.

I'm surprised more people didn't pick up on this straight away.

Just a quick Photoshop I made.
THAT would be the Predator of predators.
Although I'm quite happy for what we saw.
Another mock-up for those wanting to do an Alien and Predator display. Again, this assumes that the 1/3 Predator will be a couple inches bigger than the CM, but at this already massive size, a three inch discrepancy isn't a huge deal.

Where things do get dicey is the size of the Alien Warrior. The website states it will be 26" tall, so that's what the shorter frame is based on. But if I scale the image so its width matches the given 30" width, the whole statue would be a few inches taller and that's the second frame. The truth may lie somewhere in between. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll look bigger in person than measurements would have us believe.

Focal length also changes the way its dimensions relate to each other, so I used a different picture for the larger frame to try and cover more ground. Clumsy, I know. Would sure be nice if Prime 1 could just put these three pieces together in a photo so we know for sure.


At least now there's a Predator with a large enough base that the 30"x30" base on the Warrior or the giant wall on the Big Chap won't feel so overpowering.
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Waistline seems fine to me.
Second and third photo, the way the bone jewelry is worn and wrapped around the waist, gives it the illusion of a bigger waist.

It's body and limb proportions are fine, just a little more muscular. Prime 1 probably wanted this art direction to give it more physical presense or 'wow' factor compared to other preds on the market. Similar to the bigger is better mantra of the 80s.

Could also be sideshow and CM trimmed their predator down too much and we are use to seeing a slimmer JH after viewing their pieces for many years.

Some will dig it, some won't, but the majority (like myself) would be more concerned with finer details, portrait accuracy and paint job etc.
Could also be sideshow and CM trimmed their predator down too much and we are use to seeing a slimmer JH after viewing their pieces for many years.

This definitely happened, but Prime 1's may still be a bit girthy. I actually think the width across the belly is fine, but the thickness from back-to-belly might be too great and that's what we're seeing in more angled photos.