Prime 1 Studio - Batman: Arkham Origins - Deathstroke Statue

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Hey guys, I placed my waitlist reservation on 12/19. Does anybody know how I'm looking in terms of conversion (compared to others that have converted and when they hopped on)?
Hey guys, I placed my waitlist reservation on 12/19. Does anybody know how I'm looking in terms of conversion (compared to others that have converted and when they hopped on)?

I think you'll be fine. There's a long time until this is released. I went on the wait list last week and am not really worried. You went on the wait list 2 days after it went on wait list.
Hey guys, I placed my waitlist reservation on 12/19. Does anybody know how I'm looking in terms of conversion (compared to others that have converted and when they hopped on)?

Waitlist conversions aren't necessarily done in the order that they are received. I can't remember the exact verbiage, but Alex came into a thread once and confirmed that.
Hey guys, I placed my waitlist reservation on 12/19. Does anybody know how I'm looking in terms of conversion (compared to others that have converted and when they hopped on)?

You should be fine. Prime still has this available on their website. I imagine whatever they don't sell will be turned over to SSC since they have a WL that can be filled. I'd say you are in good shape.
Yea, you should be good I would think. I hopped on the waitlist the day it sold out and it took a week or 2 to convert. I was actually surprised it took even that long:lol I was on the fence when it POed but now I'm pretty stoked...he's just too awesome to pass up. I have a no villains policy but I just had to break that for DS.
Yea, you should be good I would think. I hopped on the waitlist the day it sold out and it took a week or 2 to convert. I was actually surprised it took even that long:lol I was on the fence when it POed but now I'm pretty stoked...he's just too awesome to pass up. I have a no villains policy but I just had to break that for DS.

Can you still do a payment plan if your WL converts?
Waitlist conversions aren't necessarily done in the order that they are received. I can't remember the exact verbiage, but Alex came into a thread once and confirmed that.

That's kind of crazy that it's not honored in the order that they receive the waitlist reservation... Do you remember what else plays a factor? Is it if you cancel a lot of pre-orders? :rotfl
Has there been any comments about a Deathstroke bust coming out. I see that a Batman bust will be coming out in the future, but that's the only bust I have seen. Hopefully all the Arkham statues will also come out with a bust.
Has there been any comments about a Deathstroke bust coming out. I see that a Batman bust will be coming out in the future, but that's the only bust I have seen. Hopefully all the Arkham statues will also come out with a bust.

That's only because they made a bunch of extra heads for AK Bats. I don't think this will be the norm so don't expect one for DS. Oh, and the AK Bats bust is sold separately so none of the statues are going to come with a bust.