Prometheus Engineer Maquette

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You must have been the last one, he's currently checking inventory. I'm assuming WL now? But i'm sure SSC will come up with 40 more
You must have been the last one, he's currently checking inventory. I'm assuming WL now? But i'm sure SSC will come up with 40 more

I'm not too fussed about this one numbers wise. It's relativity cheap(in collecting terms) and the EX should at least guarantee what I paid for it should I sell it down the line. It was sort of an impulse buy but I really love the Giger art and the suit is amazing.

Like others the pose isn't the best but I "get it" and the size is def a non issue for me personally.
Hey, not complaining here buddy, i got the EX too. And forget what these peeps are talking about over here on the boards, there are a lot of Alien collectors on the FB page that are excited for this and also not worried about the pose.
Hey, not complaining here buddy, i got the EX too. And forget what these peeps are talking about over here on the boards, there are a lot of Alien collectors on the FB page that are excited for this and also not worried about the pose.

I don't really care what other people think. I bought the P2 maq and I personally had a ***** fest myself over the errors. I get why people don't like it but I think it looks cool. I'm not going totry and defend it or anything.

This statue is pretty accurate though as far as the movie goes, much more accurate than the Predator. If you have an Alien piece this would fit right in.
I agree. It will fit well into any alien collection. And I think it will be sought after when it sells out. Regarding the fused legs, the legs don't appear to be fused looking at the prototype pictures. Hopefully the productions pieces are made without fused legs.
I think those that ordered, will be pleasantly surprised. And there is no doubt, Alien collectors will be kicking themselves once they see the after market prices. I give it 3 years to max out.
I agree with the "pleasantly surprised" that's kind of what I'm hoping. I mean the proto looks really good in detail and paint and with such low numbers I'm hoping the QC on this will be really good (wishful I know!).

I think it's a good thing when you are a little underwhelmed because there's a better chance it'll blow you away. I mean it's the Space Jockey, who doesn't want that if you're an Alien fan! (Please no conversations about how these guys are a different species......!!!)

I think a monstrous pose would have looked really strange and not fitting to the character at all. If I had my choice though then some sort of pose with the globe would have been cool although when you think about it, it's quite hard to think of a fitting pose for this guy.
The pose was not limited only to what was seen in the movie. SS takes their liberties with creative art. They could have done anything. And that's what they came up with.

I think those that ordered, will be pleasantly surprised. And there is no doubt, Alien collectors will be kicking themselves once they see the after market prices. I give it 3 years to max out.

I think people will be pleasantly surprised as well after it starts arriving in hand. Despite the boring pose it's still nicely sculpted and it's the only Prometheus collectible so far with a low es. Doubt we'll see more if at all. The sequel however will likely bring new product.
The pose was not limited only to what was seen in the movie. SS takes their liberties with creative art. They could have done anything. And that's what they came up with.

True, they didn't have much to go off really. I get what they are trying to do with the pose, it's sort of "I am a god/creator"

It's a pity they didn't add a bigger base with a few vials around the bottom. I feel it's one piece where a cool base might have just made it pop a little. No matter though, still cool.
If they had just added and inch of foot separation I would have ordered this myself, I just don't like the fused thighs, The base is oddly small as well imo. And when you compare it to something like the Iron patriot with many extra features this is rally expensive.... Although that said the P2 maquette has turned many other items into real bargains lately! I really hope they do another version soon in full suit with a more movie like pose.
They could of just used their go to one leg up knee bent pose. Anything but the travesty they used.
Listen, i'm not trying to defend the fact that i ordered this when other people said it was a lame pose, small, etc… But seriously i think people jump on the "its no good" bandwagon so frequently with these things. Go back to the beginning of this thread and see how many people saw the preview and wanted to PO immediately, then someone mentions the size, then someone picks on the fused legs, then all of a sudden its dog shiz… seriously, i know there are quite a few of you that think this looks good but because everyone around you is telling you its lame, you all of a sudden think you should as well. Makes no difference to me, but i just wish there were more people that ordered this so we could all enjoy it together when the masterpiece arrives :)
According to SS plenty have ordered.
If you decide, not you personally, what you collect from other peoples reaction that's quite sad.
The only factor, peoples opinion, that will put me off is issues with a production piece... IM LSB.
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I must be crazy then, cause i LOVED the movie and i think the pose being more of a "i'm majestic" makes sense for the character and looks like it belongs. I'm just going on record saying that i'm happy with it, and can't wait to have it in my collection! Looking forward to pics and praise from the people that decided to PO this dude. 22" with 21 1/2" of those being actual statue and not base, is going to make him look huge. If i take my P1 Maquette off his base, he's 22". If i take my Wolf LSF and measure from foot to head, he's 22" as well. Gives a good sense of how big this guy is going to look without a 4-5" base underneath him and still being 22".
Listen, i'm not trying to defend the fact that i ordered this when other people said it was a lame pose, small, etc… But seriously i think people jump on the "its no good" bandwagon so frequently with these things. Go back to the beginning of this thread and see how many people saw the preview and wanted to PO immediately, then someone mentions the size, then someone picks on the fused legs, then all of a sudden its dog shiz… seriously, i know there are quite a few of you that think this looks good but because everyone around you is telling you its lame, you all of a sudden think you should as well. Makes no difference to me, but i just wish there were more people that ordered this so we could all enjoy it together when the masterpiece arrives :)
I ordered it...
Doesn't give me any more or less right to have an opinion on it nor does it prevent me from taking to it with my Dremel and "fixing" it :lol
People are complaining about the pose and the scale because sideshow ****ed this up. And more people than not, from reading this thread, want an Engineer - just not this version in this pose and in this size. Sales reflect that in my opinion (subjective as it is).